BWHS Guidance Department Dave Royhab, Director Guidance Hours 8:15am – 4:15pm Phone
Counselor Assignments Susan James: A – Co Steve Cohen: Cr – Ha Beth Dekenipp: He – Le Shannon Powell: Li – Sa Michelle Hoffmann: Sc – Z
Guidance Support Staff Jan Develli, Career Center Assistant Melissa Holder, Guidance Secretary Corina Bryant, Guidance Secretary
A high school counselor’s primary job is to help students navigate through high school! Personal and social development Academic development Post-secondary planning
Standard Diploma Academic AreasCreditsSOL Verified Credits English42 Social Studies31 Mathematics31 Science31 Foreign Language00 Health/Physical Education20 Fine or Practical Art10 Electives60 Student Selected Verified Credit01 Total226
Advanced Studies Diploma Academic AreasCreditsSOL Verified Credits English42 Social Studies42 Mathematics42 Science42 Foreign Language3 or 40 Health/Physical Education20 Fine or Practical Art10 Electives1 or 20 Student Selected Verified Credit01 Total249
Courses with SOL tests Reading (English 11) Writing (English 11) Algebra 1 (Algebra 1 & Algebra 1 Part 2) Geometry Algebra 2 (Algebra 2 & Algebra 2 w/ Trig) Earth Science Biology Chemistry World History/Geography 1 World History/Geography 2 United States History
Requests for Schedule Changes We are unable to consider schedule change requests until the second week of school Elective Changes Level Changes
Schedule Change Requests - Electives Students who did not receive their first choice in electives may be permitted to make schedule changes Students who received their first choice in electives can not be permitted to change their electives unless extenuating circumstances exist
Schedule Change Requests - Levels Level changes will be considered on a case- by-case basis Many factors are considered: Student input Parent input Counselor input Overall course load Teacher feedback Availability of alternate courses Post-secondary plans Individual strengths & weaknesses
How students can proactively meet with a guidance counselor During the first week of school, students can sign-up to see a counselor in homeroom… please be patient! After the first week, students sign-up to see a counselor by filling out a request form before or after school, or between classes
Interims & Report Cards All students will receive interims in all classes on the published interim dates Marking period 1 interims: October 2 & 3 Marking Period 1 ends: October 31 Marking period 1 report cards: November 12
Communication Guidance section in the newsletter Guidance related events will be posted on the school calendar & in the newsletter Feel free to attend events aimed for other grade levels Guidance webpage on the BWHS website Counselor links Director link