MC 1 MC 2MC 3MC 4MC 5
When people first see Mr. Hooper's black veil they a.think he has gone blind b.are confused and fearful c.point and laugh at him
b.are confused and fearful
Why does Mr. Hooper leave the wedding party early? a.He catches sight of himself in a mirror. b.The wedding has become too wild. c.It is time for him to go home and pray.
a.He catches sight of himself in a mirror.
Read Elizabeth's comment about people in her community. What characteristic of Puritan culture do these lines most likely suggest? "Beloved and respected as you are, there may be whispers that you hide your face under the consciousness of secret sin." a.Secret sins were the only topic of conversation. b.People are interested in only the minister. c.Ministers are considered beyond discussion. d.People discuss the private lives of everyone.
d.People discuss the private lives of everyone.
Read the following quotation. What meaning does it most likely reveal about the symbol of the black veil? "All through life that piece of crepe had hung between him and the world: it had separated him from cheerful brotherhood and woman's love, and kept him in that saddest of all prisons, his own heart...." a.Some people have an everlasting sadness in them. b.Every human heart keeps secrets from others. c.People spend time only with happy people. d.Sin can stop relationships from forming.
d.Sin can stop relationships from forming
Mr. Hooper most likely says that everyone wears a black veil because he a.believes that everyone is sinful b.wishes people could be more honest c.thinks people are beyond redemption
a.believes that everyone is sinful
What is causing the deaths of people across the country in the story? a.a long war b.a mental illness unknown force d.terrible disease
d. d.terrible disease
Prince Prospero protects his friends by a.locking them in his home b.killing all intruders c.fanning them with fresh air d.placing guards outside
a.locking them in his home
The person who causes the commotion within the party is dressed as a.Prince Prospero's dead body b.the dead King Herod c.the Greek image of Death d.a victim of the Red Death
d.a victim of the Red Death
The party may be an allegory for extravagance to show the moral lesson that a.large costume parties make people forget death b.costumes can greatly affect the mood of a party c.death comes for the wealthy as well as the
c.death comes for the wealthy as well as the
What does Emerson say is the only wrong in "Self-Reliance"? a.contradicting yourself often b.going against your nature c.trusting the appearance of nature
b.going against your nature
According to "Self-Reliance," the indication of a great person is a person who a.questions the way nature acts b.never thinks about past events c.worries about what other people think d.follows his or her own mind in a crowd
d.follows his or her own mind in a crowd
What tenet of transcendentalism does the following quotation from Nature best demonstrate? "The waving of the boughs in the storm, is new to me and old. It takes me by surprise, and yet is not unknown. Its effect is like that of a higher thought or a better emotion coming over me, when I deemed I was thinking justly or doing right." a.The individual is inherently good. b.Humankind and God are connected. c.People can discover the truth on their own.
c.People can discover the truth on their own.
What does Emerson mean by the following aphorism in Nature? "Nature always wears the colors of the spirit." a.Humans interpret nature through their experiences. b.Nature cares about people and changes to suit their needs. c.Spirits live in nature and give it a beautiful quality.
a.Humans interpret nature through their experiences
Both of the essays demonstrate Emerson's a.desire to live simply b.belief in the self in religion of friendship
b.belief in the self
Something that is ostentatious is a.disturbing b.overdone c.hidden d.silent
What does imbued mean? a.deeply influenced by something b.fully forgiven by someone c.firmly convinced by something
a.deeply influenced by something
What does tremulous mean? a.frightening b.quivering c.pale
What is equivocal? a.ancient b.ambiguous c.respected
Apathy is a.a lack of interest b.a desire for peace c.a concern for others
a.a lack of interest
Pertinacity means a.permission b.consciousness c.powerfulness d.stubbornness
A vagary is a a.scary recitation b.strange idea c.complete story
b.strange idea
What is an anomaly? a.a descent into complete madness b.a condition that affects the heart c.a departure from normal rules
c.a departure from normal rules
To importune means to a.ramble quietly b.ask repeatedly c.wonder daily
b.ask repeatedly
What does decorum mean? a.good taste in conduct b.finely tuned senses c.strong respect for others
a.good taste in conduct
If something is occult, it is a.stretched to the limit b.insensible to nature c.hidden from view
c.hidden from view