Totalitarianism Government control over every aspect of life Dictatorship & worship of cult leader. Conformity not individuality—the good of the state over individuals Ruthless suppression of opposition—the end justifies the means Police State—big brother is watching you.
Methods of Enforcement Police terror Propaganda and Censorship Indoctrination Persecution Concentration Camps & Slave Labor Execution without trial
Democracy Socialism Monarchy Communism Fascism Totalitarian United States Degree of Freedom Socialism Left Right Monarchy Communism Fascism Totalitarian
Communism founded by Karl Marx economic philosophy> no private property all businesses & property owned by “the people” “from each according to his ability to each according to his need” reality = dictatorship of the Communist Party & Communist Party leaders “the people” = government> the Party knows best Totalitarian Police State —KGB Ruthless, comformity, absolute bureaucracy
Russian Revolution Lenin & Communist Party International Communist Revolution Secret Police Elimination of opposition/no free speech Allow rural land revolution Leon Trotsky won Civil War against “Whites”
Joseph Stalin Killer in the Kremlin
Stalin ruled Russia 1929-1953 born Joseph Dzhugahvili Stalin=man of steel Lenin’s death in 1924, Stalin began seize power
Communism in Russia “Socialism in One Country” collectivization of farms “Murder Famine” of 1932-33, 7 million Russians starved to death
Mass Murderer Stalin slaughtered 20-30 million Russians Gulag Archipelago—slave labor camps “Great Purges” 1936-1937 including Red Army
The Case Against Stalin