Revalidation: keeping up-to- date with best evidence Helen Barlow Library and Knowledge Service Manager, TRFT
Aims Outline how the Library and Knowledge Service can support you in meeting the revalidation attributes Demonstrate two online tools to inform best practice and CPD Launch the Library and Knowledge Service revalidation portfolio service
Background Revalidation is the process by which licensed doctors are required to demonstrate on a regular basis that they are up to date and fit to practise. Licensed doctors have to revalidate, usually every five years, by having regular appraisals with their employer that are based on GMC core guidance for doctors, Good Medical Practice. Revalidation started on 3 December 2012 and it is expected that the majority of licensed doctors in the UK will be revalidated for the first time by March 2016.
Good Medical Practice Good Medical Practice states: You must keep your knowledge and skills up to date throughout your working life. You should be familiar with relevant guidelines and developments that affect your work. You should regularly take part in educational activities that maintain and further develop your competence and performance. You must keep up to date with, and adhere to, the laws and codes of practice relevant to your work.
Revalidation framework The GMC Good Medical Practice Framework for appraisal and revalidation is divided into four domains (12 attributes): 1. Knowledge, skills and performance 2.Safety and quality 3.Communication, partnership and teamwork 4.Maintaining trust
Keeping up-to-date (1.1 Maintain your professional performance) The Library & Knowledge Service provides a range of current awareness bulletins and services to keep staff up-to-date with new developments in health care practice, research, policy and service development including: GP Evidence for Practice bulletin Innovation and Improvement Bulletin Rotherham CCG Protected Learning Time Event Bulletins Today’s News TRFT Knowledge Toolkit RDASH Current Awareness Bulletin
Keeping up-to-date (1.1 Maintain your professional performance) Access to libraries at Rotherham Hospital, Oak House, RCHC Our continually developing collection covers all aspects of health from acute care to primary care, mental health, public health, health management, communication and teaching skills. We hold over 17,00 books, 1300 DVDs, games, educational models and items of IT equipment. 110 journals Athens: 5,000 e-journals and 400 e-books, healthcare databases (Medline etc) Inter-library loans
Professional development and educational activities (1.1 Maintain your professional performance) Journal Clubs Book groups Knowledge-Bites Hot Topics Information-skills training programme: NHS Evidence, Literature searching, the Cochrane Collection, referencing, critical appraisal Bespoke sessions to departments and individuals and as part of CPD and training programmes
Effective treatments based on the best available evidence (1.2 Apply knowledge and experience to practice) Expert literature search service Information need: The clinical and cost effectiveness of using Omalizumab for severe persistent allergic asthma. LKS Support: An extensive literature search was carried out by the library staff. Outcome: Having weighed up the evidence of the cost and clinical benefits of using Omalizumab it was decided to administer the treatment to patients who suffer from severe persistent allergic asthma. The results have been outstanding and have seen a significant reduction in the need for hospitalization and previous ITU admissions. Information need: Ophthalmology referral pathway from GPs to secondary care – evidence of best practice needed. LKS Support: The library provided a list of cases which can be seen in primary care and do not need to be referred to the hospital. Outcome: Developed a series of training workshops which were delivered to GPs. Treatment is now delivered at GP practices rather than referrals to the hospital resulting in a saving for the health economy.
Effective treatments based on the best available evidence (1.2 Apply knowledge and experience to practice) Clinical Query Answer Service Care pathway development DynaMed Map of Medicine
DynaMed Point of care clinical reference tool More than 3,200 evidence-based topic summaries covering all aspects of care Monitors the content of over 500 medical journals 7 step systematic evidence-based process *New* DynaMed searchers can earn CME points.
Map of Medicine Commissioned by the NHS National and international care pathways based on the best available evidence Can be localised Sixty-eight local top-tips/guidelines will be available from April via Map of Medicine
Research (1.2 Apply knowledge to practice, 4.1 Show respect for patients, 4.3 Act with honesty and integrity) Member of the South Yorkshire Research Ethics Committee; can advise on research ethics and the preparation of proposals for ethical review. Literature reviews Funding sources Assisting with questionnaire design, protocol development and signposting to relevant people and documentation.
Communicating with patients (1.2 Apply knowledge and experience to practice (self care), 3.1 Communicate effectively, 3.3 Establish and maintain partnerships with patients) Advice and training on and signposting to high quality sources of patient information Information Prescriptions Evidence to help you answer patient queries Education resources to support patient self care Communication book collection
Effective management (1.2 Apply knowledge and experience to practice) Evidence-based digests Good practice policies from other areas Management tools and techniques
Clinical audit (2.1 Contribute to and comply with systems to protect patients (quality assurance)) Information on conducting an audit Evidence on the latest guidelines Evidence on what works to improve practice
Your portfolio Library and Knowledge Service Revalidation Portfolio A log of your use of the Library and Knowledge Service mapped against the revalidation criteria (loans, evidence searches, current awareness update, training courses) Supporting information for your revalidation portfolio Sign up today.
Our credentials Highly experienced staff with many years experience in the NHS Well-qualified experts up to MA/MSc NHS Library Quality Assurance Framework compliance score 100% 2012 consultation survey (180 responses: TRFT, NHSR, RDASH, Hospice). When asked ‘Which of your organisation's objectives has the library helped you to achieve?’, 70% of respondents replied ‘improving quality of care’. Always happy to help!
Any questions?
Contact details Helen Barlow Library and Knowledge Service Manager Tel: Library and Knowledge Service Hospital: , Oak House: