1 1 Capabilities: Serial (C), shared-memory (OpenMP or Pthreads), distributed-memory (hybrid MPI+ OpenM + CUDA). All have Fortran interface. Sparse LU decomposition, triangular solution with multiple right-hand sides Incomplete LU (ILU) preconditioner (serial SuperLU) Sparsity-preserving ordering Minimum degree ordering applied to A T A or A T +A [MMD, Liu `85] ‘Nested-dissection’ applied to A T A or A T +A [(Par)Metis, (PT)-Scotch] User-controllable pivoting: partial pivoting, threshold pivoting, static pivoting Condition number estimation Iterative refinement Componentwise error bounds Download: Further information: contact: Sherry Li, Developers: Sherrry Li, Jim Demmel, John Gilbert, Laura Grigori, Piush Sao, Meiyue Shao, Ichitaro Yamazaki SuperLU – supernodal sparse LU linear solver
2 2 A new fusion reactor ITER is being constructed in France, which is used to study how to harness fusion, creating clean energy using nearly inexhaustible hydrogen as the fuel. If successful, ITER will produce 10 times as much energy than it uses — but that success hinges on accurately designing the device. One major simulation goal is to predict microscopic MHD instabilities of burning plasma in ITER. This involves solving extended and nonlinear Magnetohydrodynamics equations. Two fluid-based codes have been developed, using different finite element discretization methods: M3D-C1 (Steve Jardin et al. PPPL), and NIMROD (Carl Sovinec, Univ. Wisconsin, and others) These are truly multiphysics simulations involving several coupled PDEs: continuity, Maxwell, momentum, electron energy, ion energy, etc. They are also of multiscale with extremely wide range of time and spatial scales, and high anisotropy. Therefore, the discretized linear systems are indefinite and very ill-conditioned. SuperLU_DIST has been used in the production codes. For example, the NIMROD simulation time was improved from 3 weeks to 3 days, compared to using some preconditioned iterative solvers. In many iterations of nonlinear solver, the largest linear systems are of dimension 500K, complex and nonsymmetric. SuperLU: Application highlight in fusion energy research R Z
3 3 There were over 27,000 downloads of SuperLU in FY It was the third most-downloaded software at LBNL Over the years, it has consistently been the most-downloaded software in the Computing Sciences organization at LBNL It has been used in many high-end simulation codes, such as ASCEM (reactive flow and transport), M3D-C 1 /NIMROD (fusion tokamak design), Omega3P (accelerator cavity design), OpenSees (earthquake engineering), PHOENIX (modeling of stellar and planetary atmospheres). It is adopted in many commercial mathematical libraries and simulation software, including AMD (circuit simulation), Boeing (aircraft design), Chevron, ExxonMobile (geology), Cray's LibSci, FEMLAB, HP's MathLib, IMSL, NAG, OptimaNumerics, Python (SciPy), Walt Disney Feature Animation. SuperLU: usage and impact