406.04OHP - 1 THE PRONE POSITION Body forming a 5 to 20 degree angle from the line of fire Left leg is straight and parallel to the spine The right leg is angled away from the spine degrees
406.04OHP - 2 LEFT ARM POSITION 30-degree angle between the ground and the left forearm
406.04OHP - 3 LEFT HAND POSITION The fingers should not grip the fore end of the stock. The hand is inside the sling, firmly against the sling swivel.
406.04OHP - 4 RIGHT HAND POSITION grip the small of the butt with constant pressure right thumb placed on the stock behind the rear sight the right elbow should rest where it feels comfortable; shoulders should be straight The butt plate is kept firmly in the hollow of the right shoulder The head rests comfortably on the butt and remains straight.
406.04OHP - 5 USING A RIFLE REST Lay down to the left of the rifle; Place your left elbow on the ground; Pick up the rifle; Lay the rifle on the rest; Get into a comfortable position while keeping the rifle on the rest; Place the butt into your right shoulder; Rest your cheek on the butt; Place your right elbow on the ground; Adjust the height of the rest; and Adjust the length of the butt with using spacers.
406.04OHP - 6 ASSEMBLING THE SLING It is essential that the sling be assembled correctly in order to maintain a comfortable and stable position while shooting
406.04OHP - 7 Butt Length The butt plate is adjustable in length with the addition of spacers. This adjustment allows for modification and ensures a proper snug fit in the shoulder depending on the body build of the shooter.