Fractures Especially in the lumbar spine From compression from a fall Should be spine boarded and sent to the ER. Spondylolysis Bone degeneration Located at the pars interarticularis May cause instability in the spine if it doesn’t heal. Allows the vertebrae to slide forward. Called spondylolisthesis LUMBAR BONE INJURIES
Most common Disk bulge or slipped disk Jelly like portion oozes through the rings of cartilage. Bulge happens posteriorly Rarely to the anterior side Bulge puts pressure on the nerve roots. Numbness Tingling Pain Caused mainly by poor posture. LUMBAR DISK INJURIES
Mild to moderate strains to the lumbar muscles are common. Pain may be referred to the opposite side. Ice Stretching ROM exercises are used to reduce pain. LUMBAR MUSCLE AND TENDON INJURIES
Usually caused by flexion Or flexion with rotation May perform a stress test, but not if fracture symptoms exist. Active rest is recommended. Neutral spine Gentle stabilizing exercises Flexibility as the pain allows. LUMBAR LIGAMENT INJURY