Chapter 6 Sec. 1
Microscopic structures Basic unit of life Nucleus contains genetic material Chromosomes (23 pair) DNA (within the chromosome) The ‘active’ part of the DNA determine how that cell will work
Groups of cells that perform similar functions Tissues perform tasks for the body Example = Cells join together to form muscle tissue (which can contract)
Tissues joined together to perform a function Within 1 organ, you will have a variety of tissues Example = Heart (all work together to pump blood) Muscle tissue Nerve tissue Connective tissue
Group of organs working together to perform a function Body systems work with other systems Example = Skeletal system works with muscular system to provide movement
Organs = Bones, Cartilage, Tendons Provides movement, posture
Organs = Muscles, Ligaments, Tendons Allows movement
Organs = Nerves, Spinal cord, Brain Sends & receives messages to/from the body
Organs = Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Small & Large Intestine Breaks down food for nutrients
Organs = Heart, Blood vessels Pumps blood to body cells (carries oxygen to cells)
Lungs, Diaphragm Delivers oxygen to blood cells
Organs = Kidneys, Ureters, Bladder, Urethra Pulls waste from blood; balances fluids
Organs = Spleen, Lymph nodes, Tonsils Fight infections
1.Homeostasis 2.Genes 3.DNA 4.Nucleus 5.Chromosomes