P OCKET B ODY A PP By. Rachel Anzano
W HY THIS APP IS USEFUL … Grad students- need to know a lot of information, fast. This app: provides useful information, that is easily understood and convenient Physical therapists- need to explain injuries to their client This app: allows patients to have a visual representation of their injury
G OAL Designed to help improve anatomical understanding Great for students interested in: Physical Therapy Allied Health Science degrees Medical Nursing
P OCKET B ODY F EATURES Features: anatomical accurate human character with nine layers of musculoskeletal and neurovascular functions 30,000 + anatomical terminology Information on nerves, arteries and veins Add notes/pins directly to image Apply knowledge through three different style- type quizzes
Human character is highly detailed Allows one to view the body on different musculoskeletal layers Provides information on ligaments, tendons, bursae, bones, and muscles 3D navigation of muscle structures
Purchase at itunes.comitunes.com Available on Ipad or Iphone Cost: $24.99
O VERALL B ENEFITS For Students: resource tool for anatomical structures, functions and applications On-the-Go study resource For Physical therapists: visual tool to show clients point of injury and anatomy of that region enhance patient communication and information Easy to navigate and understand Convenient: tablet or smartphone
R ESOURCES body-ipad-anatomy-app-anatomical- understanding/ anatomy/id ?mt=8