Team Five: Judith Spitzer OregonLive 1/4/2016 1
2 Women Out Loud jspitzer
1/4/ Total Community Coverage By Judith Spitzer Targeted Audience Target Audience – Women whose common bond is a desire to be heard … and to listen to other women. Women who are passionate about issues women care about. Women who want to be part of a supportive community. Women who want to talk to other women. Women out loud
1/4/ Goal of Strategy To grow the Women Out Loud blog and incorporate a weekly podcast where women can talk, laugh, share … essentially The View for Portland Women: Women’s Point of View. The podcast will be available to download … listen to it on the treadmill, in the car etc.
1/4/ How It Will Work A blog will be used to post commentary both by me and other women and a weekly podcast will done using high profile women, women leaders in the community etc, as guests to start momentum and increase visibility. Topics for the podcast will vary from women’s body image to issues at work, parenting, sex … what women talk about with each other. The blog will also be used to talk about the podcasts as well as other hot topics. The audience will be invited to make comments and blog themselves in a guest blog section of the blog. I’ll use other pertinent blogs … grow relationships with them by comments and crosslinking. ‘House ads’ on website will promote Women Out Loud.
1/4/ Content Plan: The Blog Blog content will be centered around issues important to women and issues that aren’t covered, or uncovered,s by mainstream media. Current example of that is the Drew Peterson case … the fact that no major media is talking about domestic violence in this case even though it’s clearly an important aspect. Page will have a headlines section on top. Page will contain links to women’s resources locally and nationally. Call to action to generate comments. Stories of local women/told by them in a guest blog format. Sign up for text messaging whenever urgent issues need a response.
1/4/ Content Plan: The Podcast Continue to use guests like Arianna Huffington and other ‘celebrity’ type guests occasionallyto generate buzz. Use topics that are “hot” – either local or localize other topics. Include guests (women) who can be mentors to other women. Podcast will be available to download either on our site or on iTunes.
1/4/ Content Utilizing current news pegs – generate blogs that are tied to women’s issues such as: The Supreme Court heard an age - discrimination case Monday brought by a woman who lost her job at 51. Even though more men file such complaints women are more likely to need jobs when they are older and could have more at stake. Women Owned businesses … much higher startuprate than men. Who are they … why start your own business? How to do it.
1/4/ Content The blog will also have a component for books – what are you reading now? Women will be able to write in and give a short synopsis of what they find compelling reading. One component could be a section that changes periodically like the campaign right now – who are women voting for and why? A photo component that doesn’t really need an explanation.