Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 Disability and Employment The french model 1 Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june The Act of 23 November 1957 The 2 Acts of 30 June 1975 The Act of 10 July 1987 The Act of 2 January 2002 The Act of 17 January 2002 The Act of 11 February 2005 LEGISLATIVE MILESTONES
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june Minimum quota of disabled workers representing 6% of the workforce This requirement applies to private sector and public sector Four ways to meet the obligation of employment : – Recruiting disabled workers – Entering into procurement, subcontracting or service contracts with sheltered workshops – Applying a collective agreement for recruitment of disabled workers – Making an annual contribution to the Development Funds (AGEFIPH and FIPHFP) EMPLOYMENT QUOTA FOR DISABLED WORKERS EMPLOYMENT QUOTA FOR DISABLED WORKERS
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june ORGANISATION OF VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE Since 1st January 2006, the Rights and Independence Commission (CDAPH) – which forms part of the Departmental Disability Centre (MDPH) – makes the decision to award registered disabled worker status (RQTH) and individual vocational guidance.
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june Towards the mainstream working market (ordinary sector or supported factories). Placement is carried out by the National Employment Agency (Pole Emploi) or the specialized organisations of placement (Cap Emploi) Towards the sheltered working market Vocational guidance
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june Device of employment access for disabled workers Common jobs and subsidized jobs in mainstream market Supported factories disabled workers Work aid establishment or service 1400 establishments disabled workers Sheltered employment market Mainstream employment market
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june Breakdown of disabled workers ( people)
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 General employment situation 8 Total population Population aged between 15 and 64 years Active population Unemployment rate9.6 %
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 Employment situation of disabled workers Total disabled population Disabled population with benefits (15-64 years) Disabled workers in the mainstream environ Disabled workers in ESAT centres Unemployment rate 17 %
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 Breakdown of disabled workers in the mainstream environment 10 Private sector Public sector Supported factories Total
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 Supported factories New provisions Supported factories are in the mainsteam working market Attribution of a specific subsidy A three years objective contract is set up with the State representative New mode of remuneration
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 Supported factories New provisions Remuneration Must not be lower than SMIC Previous guaranted remuneration changed by a job subsidy equal to 80% of SMIC. This sum is equivalent of 60% of the minimum salary including all social charges.
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 Supported factories New provisions Recruitment Non disabled workers involved directly in the production represents a maximum of 20% of the work force The quota job subsidy is determined by the three years objective.
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 Supported factories New provisions Specific subsidy It will allow : a social follow up a social follow up a adaptated work station training a adaptated work station training
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 ESAT disabled workers distribution according the type of disability
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 ESAT roles To provide a suitably adapted employment framework for disabled persons capable of engaging in professional activities To adapt productions and working stations to the capacities of the disabled workers To reach the better professional and social adaptation of all the disabled workers
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 ESAT roles To have a individualised approach of the professional courses To allow and support entering the mainstream employment To manufacture and market products or provide services of quality To fit with the regional economic environment
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june Supports in ESAT Supports provided relates to both vocations of the ESAT Professional vocation : Supports of professional type allow a better adaptation to work and aim thanks to a gestual and technical training to develop professional abilities Médico-social vocation : Supports of this type include all activites contributing to a better social integration
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 In ESAT ressources are composed of : An activity income which includes : A direct remuneration paid by the ESAT A job subsidy paid by the State to supplement the ESAT contribution A differential adult disability allowance ESAT workers ressources ESAT workers ressources
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 ESAT workers net incomes ESAT Rémun. (% Smic) 5%10%15%20%25%30% ESAT Rémun. in euros State Job subsidy Disability allow Total ressources
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 This financing is dual 1 ) Financing of the social part : This financing, provided by the State, covers : Pay role of the professional staff Operating costs Part of depreciation of the buildings 2 ) Financing of the commercial part : The ESAT masters this budget, which covers : Remuneration of the disabled workers Operatings costs of the workshops Depreciation of the industrial tools Part of depreciation of the buildings ESAT financing
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 ESAT workers distribution according to the activities
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 ESAT workers distribution according to the activities added value
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june 2010 Disabled workers distribution by activities Own production 18% Provision of service 32% Subcontracting 50% Sales turnover 1030 M€ Added value 523 M€ Activities added value distribution Own production 23% Provision of service 40% Subcontracting 37% Economic situation
Initiales émetteur + département émetteur + référence manifestation + date(s) Mission Europe Hungarian Delegation 3th and 4th of june ) Financing of the social part : The total budget reach 1352 M €, corresponding to € for each disabled workers 2 ) Financing of the individual resources : The total amount of job subsidy rise to 1130 M € corresponding to 9700 € for each disabled workers Disability allowance : 480 M € 2 ) Budget of the commercial entity : Sales turn over : 1030 M € Added value : 523 M € Direct remuneration : 272 M € ESAT financing