NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RETAIL COLLECTION ATTORNEYS National Association of Retail Collection Attorneys 601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 900 South Washington, D. C Fax DEBT COLLECTION INITIATIVES CONFERENCE OF WESTERN ATTORNEYS GENERAL July 13, 2011
ABOUT NARCA NARCA Background Members – Licensed Attorneys Practicing Law Bar Licensure CLE Rules of Professional Conduct Officers of the Court – Highly Regulated Federal Laws & Regulations State Laws & Regulations
ABOUT NARCA Collection Law Firms – Thousands employed – Millions of dollars paid into courts Responsibility – NARCA is the national leader in promoting the professional and ethical practice of debt collection law.
Preserves the nature of a credit-based economy Ensures lenders’ trust that loans will be repaid Returns millions of dollars to the economy Maintains low rates of credit Supports business growth and employment DEBT COLLECTION: ESSENTIAL TO OUR CREDIT-BASED ECONOMY
Licensed Attorneys Practicing Law Collect on Behalf of Clients Return Money to the Economy Commitment to Professional Education – NARCA CLE-Approved Best Practices & Ethics Seminars Commitment to Consumer Education – Avoiding the Debt Trap COMMON GROUND
NARCA advocates measures that provide consumer protection without unduly burdening responsible legal debt collection. Federal & State Outreach Examples Unintended Consequences NARCA AS A RESOURCE Massachusetts Connecticut Maryland Illinois North Carolina FTC Roundtable Congress Federal Agencies SCBA Initiative Attorneys General Legislators Judiciary Bar Associations
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF RETAIL COLLECTION ATTORNEYS Contact Eric Rosenkoetter NARCA Director of Government & Public Affairs Direct: National Association of Retail Collection Attorneys 601 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 900 South Washington, D. C Fax