The Story of Mars and Venus By Kelly Hogan
The Characters The Sun God and Vulcan
The Characters Mars and Venus
Characters-Vulcan Vulcan was the blacksmith of the Gods Married to Aphrodite Fun fact: The word Volcano comes from his name Ancient Romans believed the lava and smoke that emerged from volcanoes came from Vulcan’s forge as he made thunderbolts for Jupiter and weapons for Mars
Characters-Mars Mars is the God of fertility, vegetation, and war Son of Juno and Jupiter Greek God Ares
Characters-Venus Goddess of love, beauty, and fertility Greek name Aphrodite Daughter of Zeus and Dione Married to Vulcan
The Story The Sun spied Mars and Venus making love
The Story The Sun told Vulcan who made a net made of fine bronze links and spread it over he and Venus’ bed
The Story When the lovers met again they were caught in the act! Vulcan opened the doors and called all the Gods to come see the disgrace
The End!!