The Christmas Story: Mary hears some important news
In the sixth month God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a town in Galilee, to a young woman called Mary.
Mary was greatly troubled at his words and was afraid to hear his news.
“Do not be afraid Mary for you have found favour with God and you will soon be with child and have a son, whom you will call Jesus.”
“How will this be?” asked Mary.
“I am the Lord’s servant.”
Meanwhile in another part of Galilee…
Zechariah hurried home to share the news with Elizabeth
Mary went to share her news with Elizabeth
Mary stayed with Elizabeth for 3 months.
The Christmas Story: Joseph and the Journey to Bethlehem
An angel appeared to Joseph in a dream.
They will call him Emmanuel which means ‘God with us’
Joseph went to Mary and took her home as his wife.
Caesar Augustus ruled the Roman Empire and said a census must be held.
They had to go to Bethlehem.
There was no room at the inn.
So they had to go to a stable and fill a manger with straw, ready for their baby.