Culture and Context Spring 2013 Session One Spring 2013 Session One
The Contemporary Missional Story Lesslie Newbigin – Missionary to India – 1974 The Gospel & Our Culture Network – 1980’s – A network in North America that followed the work of Newbigin in Great Britain. David Bosch – Transforming Mission – 1991 – became a key text for missional theology & the missional movement – a missiologist. Missio Dei – The mission of God. Lesslie Newbigin – Missionary to India – 1974 The Gospel & Our Culture Network – 1980’s – A network in North America that followed the work of Newbigin in Great Britain. David Bosch – Transforming Mission – 1991 – became a key text for missional theology & the missional movement – a missiologist. Missio Dei – The mission of God.
The Contemporary Missional Story Missional Church – edited by Darrell Guder – This book is the foundational work for the missional movement in North America. The Shaping of Things to Come – Innovation & Mission For the 21 st –Century Church – Michael Frost & Alan Hirsch Missional Church – edited by Darrell Guder – This book is the foundational work for the missional movement in North America. The Shaping of Things to Come – Innovation & Mission For the 21 st –Century Church – Michael Frost & Alan Hirsch
The Contemporary Missional Story Is this nothing more than the latest church fad? Is missional just a new name for the same old evangelism strategies? Is missional nothing more than community ministries? Is this nothing more than the latest church fad? Is missional just a new name for the same old evangelism strategies? Is missional nothing more than community ministries?
A Clear Picture of Current Reality The day of the professional minister is over. The day of the missionary pastor has come. The day of the churched culture is over. The day of the mission field has come. The day of the local church is over. The day of the mission outpost has come. Kennon Callahan Effective Church Leadership The day of the professional minister is over. The day of the missionary pastor has come. The day of the churched culture is over. The day of the mission field has come. The day of the local church is over. The day of the mission outpost has come. Kennon Callahan Effective Church Leadership
“The rise of the missional church is the single biggest development in Christianity since the Reformation.” “The rise of the missional church is the single biggest development in Christianity since the Reformation.” Reggie McNeal Missional Renaissance
Missional takes us back to the original purpose of Jesus. God is a sending God who is sending us.
What is the mission of God?
Defining a few terms: Missions: something a church does as part of its life & programs. Missionary:someone sent to do missions somewhere else – primarily in the form of evangelization. Mission:a purpose or agenda – something to accomplish. Missional:to join God in his mission as a way of life – reflecting his character. Missions: something a church does as part of its life & programs. Missionary:someone sent to do missions somewhere else – primarily in the form of evangelization. Mission:a purpose or agenda – something to accomplish. Missional:to join God in his mission as a way of life – reflecting his character. Ken Shuman D.Min.
Missional has nothing to do with being cool, hip, or trendy. It’s not about methods or style.
Missional is not a fresh coat of paint on the same old outreach programs.
Missional is more than just doing a few community service projects.
Missional is not yet another program to add to your already busy church calendar.
To be missional we must begin to think like missionaries in our own culture.
Missionaries are required to be learners, which takes enormous humility.
To be missional we must learn how to study & understand the cultural context of our neighborhoods, workplaces & 3 rd spaces.
Missional very simply is taking on the radical example and teachings of Jesus as our way of life.
Being missional is joining with God is His ongoing mission in the world.
“Mission is the result of God’s initiative, rooted in God’s purposes to restore and heal creation.” “God’s mission is to set things right in a broken, sinful world, to redeem it, and to restore it to what God has always intended for the world.” “Mission is the result of God’s initiative, rooted in God’s purposes to restore and heal creation.” “God’s mission is to set things right in a broken, sinful world, to redeem it, and to restore it to what God has always intended for the world.” Treasures in Clay Jars Edited by Lois Y. Barrett
As we have used the tools of biblical scholarship carefully, we have begun to learn that the biblical message is more radical, more inclusive, more transforming than we have allowed it to be.” “As we have used the tools of biblical scholarship carefully, we have begun to learn that the biblical message is more radical, more inclusive, more transforming than we have allowed it to be.” Missional Church Edited by Darrell Guder
“Mission is faith in action. It is the acting out of the central prayer that Jesus taught his disciples to use: ‘Father, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come; they will be done on earth as in heaven.’” “Mission is faith in action. It is the acting out of the central prayer that Jesus taught his disciples to use: ‘Father, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come; they will be done on earth as in heaven.’” Lesslie Newbigin The Open Secret
“Salvation in Christ is salvation in the context of human society en route to a whole and healed world.” “Salvation in Christ is salvation in the context of human society en route to a whole and healed world.” David Bosch Transforming Mission
I have come to believe that God’s mission is to restore all of creation to wholeness.
“As we have used the tools of biblical scholarship carefully, we have begun to learn that the biblical message is more radical, more inclusive, more transforming than we have allowed it to be. God’s mission embraces all of creation.” From the book Missional Church Edited by Darrell L. Guder
It has taken us decades to realize that mission is not just a program of the church. It defines the church as God’s sent people. Our challenge today is to move from church with mission to missional church. Missional Church edited by Darrell L. Guder
From Souls to Wholes.
“For Luke, salvation actually had six dimensions; economic, social, political, physical, psychological, and spiritual.” David Bosch Transforming Mission
Could missional be about restoring wholeness in these six dimensions?
movie trailers We are called and sent to represent God’s dream for the world. It is our task to create foretastes of God’s kingdom here on earth. We become “movie trailers” for the kingdom of God.