Our Past, His Story Reasons for Thankfulness and Praise
Psalm 136 Israel tells its story as the continuing work of God. “for his steadfast love endures forever” Let us pause this morning and tell our story.
God Blessed Our First Meeting in the Glenpool Community Center 2 pm on April 2, 1982 for His steadfast love endures forever
God Blessed Us With A New Location October 30, 1987 for His steadfast love endures forever
Don Pippin, April 5, 1987 “Looking ahead, I believe we will continue to grow in our faith and love as God’s people. I believe each of us will learn better how to serve God together, so that we can cause His Kingdom to grow. I believe there are a lot of people that are lost today that will be saved in the future because of the church being here.” for His steadfast love endures forever
God Blessed Us With Resources & Opportunities for His steadfast love endures forever
God Blessed Us With Capable Ministers Don Pippin (1982) Bill Hamrick (1992) Jim Pinkston (2000) And Elders & Deacons Too! for His steadfast love endures forever
God Blessed Us With Growth 1 Corinthians 3:5-9 for His steadfast love endures forever
Our Past, His Story Give thanks to the God of heaven, for His steadfast love endures forever. Psalm 136:26