Mount Albert Bible Fellowship December 13, 2015
God Hears, and Remembers His Covenant (1:1-2:5) God Comes Down and Calls His Deliverer (3:1-4:17) God Redeems His People through His Promise (4:18-7:7) God Redeems His People through His Plagues (7:8-10:29) God Redeems His People through His Passover (11:1-13:16) God Redeems His People through His Power (13:17-15:21)
Parallelism Repetition: within a verse Symmetry: across the entire passage / song
Prelude: The Story (14:28-15:1a) Intro: God: the Redeemer I (15:1b-3) The Past: Redeemed from Egypt (15:4-10) Climax: God: the Holy One (15:11) The Future: Redeemed for Canaan (15:13-16) Conclusion: God: the Redeemer II (15:17-18) Postlude: The Story (15:19-20) Antiphon: Response (15:21)
Prelude: The Story (14:28-15:1a) Intro: God: the Redeemer I (15:1b-3) The Past: Redeemed from Egypt (15:4-10) Climax: God: the Holy One (15:11) The Future: Redeemed for Canaan (15:13-16) Conclusion: God: the Redeemer II (15:17-18) Postlude: The Story (15:19-20) Antiphon: Response (15:21)
Prelude: The Story (14:28-15:1a) Intro: God: the Redeemer I (15:1b-3) The Past: Redeemed from Egypt (15:4-10) Climax: God: the Holy One (15:11) The Future: Redeemed for Canaan (15:13-16) Conclusion: God: the Redeemer II (15:17-18) Postlude: The Story (15:19-20) Antiphon: Response (15:21)
Prelude: The Story (14:28-15:1a) Intro: God: the Redeemer I (15:1b-3) The Past: Redeemed from Egypt (15:4-10) Climax: God: the Holy One (15:11) The Future: Redeemed for Canaan (15:13-16) Conclusion: God: the Redeemer II (15:17-18) Postlude: The Story (15:19-20) Antiphon: Response (15:21)
Prelude: The Story (14:28-15:1a) Intro: God: the Redeemer I (15:1b-3) The Past: Redeemed from Egypt (15:4-10) Climax: God: the Holy One (15:11) The Future: Redeemed for Canaan (15:13-16) Conclusion: God: the Redeemer II (15:17-18) Postlude: The Story (15:19-20) Antiphon: Response (15:21)
Prelude: The Story (14:28-15:1a) Intro: God: the Redeemer I (15:1b-3) The Past: Redeemed from Egypt (15:4-10) Climax: God: the Holy One (15:11) The Future: Redeemed for Canaan (15:13-16) Conclusion: God: the Redeemer II (15:17-18) Postlude: The Story (15:19-20) Antiphon: Response (15:21)
Exodus 15:11: Past God is: Unique Majestic Holy Awesome Wonderful Revelation 15:2-4: Future God is: Great & Amazing Almighty Just & True King over all To be feared To be praised Holy To be worshiped by all Righteous
How am I at linking theology with life’s events? Am I seeing myself and my life as redeemed and adopted by God in Christ? Am I growing in my awareness of being redeemed and adopted by God in Christ? Am I rejoicing in my awareness of being redeemed and adopted by God in Christ? Am I floundering or flourishing when tested? Do I have doubts?