Preparing for the Messiah Chapter 2
The story continues… TO the serpent God Said, “I will put enmity between you and the woman(New Eve-Mary), and between your seed and hers(new adam- Jesus); They will strike at your head, while you strike at their heel.”
Protoevangelium- 1st Gospel Early Church, saw in this the first prophecy of the messiah. What is a Messiah? -Anointed One, promised by God, saved humans from sin and death. Christians see Jesus as the messiah. The seed of the new eve sent to repair the damage made by sin. To remove that sin and therefore, crush/defeat satan.
Although original sin exists… We are not slaves to its effects. Although wounded, we are not totally corrupt. We can choose obedience to god’s will, through god’s grace we can choose good.
The story of God’s relationship with his children is the story of a family… (Told in the OT and NT)
Edith Stein- St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross- (Saint of Ch. 2) … live as God's child, in his hands. This means to surrender oneself totally in perfect trust and humility. It means to do God's will, not one's own, to put all sorrows and hopes in his hand. Such surrender is the highest act of freedom available to the person. And, that only by this emptying of self can one be filled by the presence of God. This free act of spiritual poverty is mandatory for union with God.
What is a family?
A Family is… People united by flesh, blood and a common name. Where/when we Learn to live with and love others. Requires a constant dying to self. And, this is where the drama begins…
The Old TEstament Is the beginning of the drama of the human family. God’s family, the human family, created like their Father. JPii- “god in his deepest mystery is not a solitude but a family, since he has in himself, fatherhood, sonship and the essence of the family which is love.” Record of a love letter from the father to his children
The New testament How the members of god’s universal family, the church, are united in Christ’s flesh and blood, the Eucharistic banquet. We are united by a common name through baptism(rebirth and adoption). “In the name of the father, son and holy spirit.”
“Scripture reveals how God… Has used covenants to forge family bonds with his people in every age”- Scott Hahn Forge- the process of making and shaping; like metal that is heated and shaped into the desired object.
What is a covenant? From the Latin, convenire, “to come together”, “to agree” A formal, solemn(serious), and binding pact between 2 or more parties. Swears an oath- places himself under divine judgment if one goes against this. (Binds a person for life to the commitment, made before god and enforced by god.) Examples: in a court of law, Hippocratic oath, military oath, president
What is the purpose of covenant? -Creates a bond of persons in relationship, like a family. (-Not merely a contract in which goods are exchanged.) -God is the father, who loves ,guides, corrects, blesses, punishes. “I will be their God and they shall be my people…I will be a Father to you and you shall be my sons and daughters. (2 Cor. 6:16-18)
What are the biblical covenants? Adam and Eve Blessing: Be fertile and multiply...fill the earth and subdue it. Condition: Do not eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Sign: The Sabbath Family Form- Marriage
Noah and family Blessing- God will never destroy the earth by means of a flood; be fertile and multiply. Condition- Do not drink the blood of animals or shed human life Sign- Rainbow Family Form- the traditional family
Covenant with Abraham Blessing- land and many descendants Condition- circumcision Sign- circumcision Family form- tribe
Covenant with moses Blessing- god chose them as his special/Holy people. Condition- must keep his commandments Sign- the Passover- “It will be like a sign” do this in remembrance Family form- a holy nation
Covenant with david Blessing- god will make David’s name great. God becomes His Father and David becomes God’s son. Lord will make a house/dynasty from david. (“Your throne shall be established for ever.”) Condition- Live according to God’s law or God will correct those who commit iniquity/wickedness/sin. Sign- Solomon’s temple Family form- an eternal royal kingdom
New covenant Blessing- gods’ law written on our hearts; believers become the new chosen people Condition- belief in the son of god, baptism, eucharist, living as Christians. Sign- the eucharist Family form- a universal kingdom, His Church
What is God doing through the covenants? Building up man’s relationship to Him. Revealing more and more of Himself Until he revealed himself fully to us in jesus Christ.