MARDUK, GOD OF GODS By : Aditi and Rachana SUMMARY  One day when the Earth wasn’t created, 2 creatures named Apus and Tiamat created the great gods.


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Presentation transcript:

MARDUK, GOD OF GODS By : Aditi and Rachana

SUMMARY  One day when the Earth wasn’t created, 2 creatures named Apus and Tiamat created the great gods. First came Lahmu and Lahamu. Then came Anshar and Kishar and they both had a son named Anu. Anu brought Ea into the world. After a while, Apsu had enough of the god brothers and wanted to destroy them. On the other hand, Tiamat didn’t want to do this but Apsu continued his plan. Luckily, Ea found out Apsu’s plan and Ea made a spell and killed Apsu. After that,Ea and his wife gave birth to Marduk. He looked like the god of gods. Then Anu made the 4 winds and Tiamat couldn’t sleep. So Tiamat made the war and made tons of monsters. Ea called Marduk to lead their side of the battle. At the end, Marduk killed Tiamat and cut her in half. One half of her body became earth and the other half, heaven and Marduk wanted to share the land so, made a creature named man !!!

STORY ELEMENTS 1. Major Characters : Ea, Marduk, Tiamat 2. Minor characters: Anu, Anshar, Apsu and all other gods 3. Rising Action: First Tiamat and Apsu are alone. Next they made the great gods. After that Apsu said it was too noisy and wanted to kill the gods.So found out and killed Apsu. Theing a war n Ea and Damkina had Marduk. Anu made the 4 very noisy. 4.Climax: They were having a war because Tiamat couldn’t sleep quietly. 5. Conflict: because Anu created the 4 winds, Tiamat couldn’t sleep and had war.

STORY ELEMENTS: PART 2  6. Falling Action: Marduk killed Tiamat during the war and cut Tiamat in half.  7. Marduk became Lord and made 1 half of Tiamat Earth and the other, Heaven.  8.Resolution: Tiamat lost the war and Marduk won!!  9: Setting: In the middle of Earth and Heaven.  10. Theme: Creation

MYTH JUSTIFICATION  Element 1: Tries to explain nature… This story tries to explain how earth and man was created.  Element 2: This story talks about the behavior of Tiamat’s behavior at the start and end. Start: kind, sweet. At end: mean, hurtful.  Element 3: Elements are impossible. Created Earth . Created monsters . Used magic  Element 4:. Handed down by mouth :Created and told from a long time ago  Element 5: Lesson: War does not lead to peace.