Mini-Project #2 Quality Criteria Review of an Assessment Rhonda Martin
Standard Listening: By the end of fourth grade, students will gain information or complete tasks by listening
Assessment Total Listening score from the Stanford 9 norm-reference assessment: Advanced percentile score Proficient percentile score Progressing percentile score Beginning percentile score
Nebraska Quality Criteria Quality Criterion One: The assessments reflect the state or local standards. Evidence of Match to Standards The Language Arts Committee matched Elkhorn objectives to the Nebraska LEARNS Standards in A Listening Rubric was developed by the committee for teachers to use as an assessment tool in the classroom. There are 40 items on the Listening subtest. Students listen to the test administrator (teacher) read passages and questions. Students answer multiple choice questions on an answer sheet. The student test booklet only shows the answer choices. Passages and questions are not included in the student booklet.
Nebraska Quality Criteria Quality Criterion Two: Students have an opportunity to learn the content. Evidence of Match to Standards District Curriculum Guides include listening objectives in grades 2-4. Grade level teachers meet on several in-service days during school year to determine how standards are taught and assessed in classrooms. Language Arts standards are recorded in daily lesson plans.
Nebraska Quality Criteria Quality Criterion Three: The assessments are free from bias. STARS participants were trained in writing assessments that were free from bias. Stanford 9 assessments have rigorous guidelines regarding bias. No time limit given for assessment
Nebraska Quality Criteria Quality Criterion Four: The level is appropriate for students. Language Arts objectives have been evaluated by the Language Arts Committee for developmental appropriateness. The fourth grade take the fourth grade Stanford 9 assessment. Students who need extended time or alternative tests have appropriate accommodations recorded on their IEP’s.
Nebraska Quality Criteria Quality Criterion Five: There is consistency in scoring. The Stanford 9 assessment is electronically scored and tests meet rigorous reliability criteria. Scores are normed. Students, teachers and administration all receive consistent and reliable test data.
Nebraska Quality Criteria Quality Criterion Six: Mastery Levels are Appropriate Mastery levels concerning norm- referenced tests have been determined by the Nebraska Department of Education. National Percentile Ranks are used for determining cut scores.
Conclusion & Plans for Future Is the Stanford 9 Listening test the best way to measure listening achievement for fourth grade students?