Awareness: National Board Certification Illinois NBPTS Comprehensive Support System NBCT Presenter: Location: Date:
What is the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards?
Five Core Propositions Teachers are committed to students and their learning. Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. Teachers are members of learning communities.
Enhanced Architecture of Accomplished Teaching START HERE: ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS Who are they? Where are they now? What do they need and when do they need it? Where should I begin? Set high, worthwhile goals appropriate for these students, at this time, in this setting. Design and implement instruction designed to attain these goals. Evaluate student learning in light of the goals and the instruction. Provide timely, meaningful feedback to students about their level of accomplishment of the targeted goals. Reflect on student learning, the effectiveness of instructional design, particular concerns and issues. Set new high and worthwhile goals that are appropriate for these students at this time.
25 Certificates Are Offered Student Age-Ranges Early Childhood 3-8 years old (EC) Middle Childhood 7-12 years old (MC) Early Adolescence years old (EA) Young Adulthood years old School Counseling/Early Childhood through Young Adulthood Subject Areas Linked to the Illinois Content Area Teaching Standards
Two Parts to the Process 1.Portfolio Process = 4 Entries 2.Assessment Center = 6 Test Exercises Total # of Entries = 10 Areas
What Does the Portfolio Encompass? Four Portfolio Entries: Three classroom-based entries: o Generally, one student work analysis entry, including student work samples. o Generally, two video analysis entries. o Share your professional achievements, professional leadership/collaboration and professional learning activities.
Portfolio Written Commentaries The candidate writes: Descriptions Analyses Reflections The candidate includes: Artifacts Documentation and verification Student Work or Videotapes
Assessment Center* Six 30-minute exercises Multi-part question prompts Focus on certificate area content Held at regional sites* *See NBPTS website for locations and times
Scoring Four-point rubric. Scorers are all recognized practicing teachers in the certificate-area. Scoring takes place in the summer. Bias, validity and reliability checks are in place (has higher reliability rates than AP exam).
Why National Board?
Benefits of Just Completing the NBPTS Process... Benefits of Just Completing the NBPTS Process... Enhances reflective/analytical thinking about instructional practice and its impact on student learning. Fulfills continuing professional development requirements for certificate renewal for five years. Some universities offer graduate credit for candidates going through the process. May earn 3 hours of graduate credit from ACE (American Council on Education) and NBPTS. (Credits must be accepted by an accredited university in order to count towards an advanced degree or by a school district for salary lane movement.)
NBC is More Than Just Recognition Teachers demonstrate that they meet high and rigorous teaching standards. Our profession benefits from every achievement: Developing a common language of accomplished teaching Identifying accomplished teachers Raising the public’s perception of educators The five core propositions are becoming embedded in: Teacher preparation programs Continuing professional development for teachers Teacher daily reflective thinking
Benefits of Becoming an NBCT... Benefits of Becoming an NBCT... Illinois Law offers: Illinois Master Teacher Designation followed by the area of NB Illinois Master Teacher Designation followed by the area of NB certification. certification. Fulfills continuing professional development requirements for 10 Fulfills continuing professional development requirements for 10 years. years. Only avenue to become a Master Teacher in Illinois. Only avenue to become a Master Teacher in Illinois. Illinois detailed information - Illinois detailed information - Through NBPTS and ACE: Through NBPTS and ACE: 9 hours of ACE graduate credit in education. 9 hours of ACE graduate credit in education. Specific to School District: Contact your school district for information for district benefits (lane change, stipend, leadership roles, etc.)Contact your school district for information for district benefits (lane change, stipend, leadership roles, etc.) Credits must be accepted by an accredited university in order to count towards an advanced degree or by a school district for salary lane movement.)
Professional Educators License- National Board Certification Beginning on July 1, 2013, the master certificate is issued as an NBPTS designation titled “Master Teacher” followed by the area of the certification achieved via NBPTS. The National Board “Master Teacher” designation will renew automatically after five years allowing for a ten year renewal cycle. More information on the ISBE website:
Eligibility Requirements A valid Illinois teaching license A bachelor’s degree Three years teaching experience Currently teaching or can borrow a classroom
What if I Don’t Achieve on My First Attempt? Candidates… may bank entries. have 2 additional years to bank and retake entries to achieve a score of 275 or higher. can retake certain entries and/or exercises. do NOT need to complete the whole process again.
Schedule of the Process Once a candidate has made initial payment to NBPTS, the candidate can complete the portfolio and assessment center exercises in any order, as long as the deadlines for portfolio submission and the assessment center are met.
Schedule... Candidates have up to 3 years to complete the NBPTS process… Year 1 - Initial Entry (complete portfolio) Year 2 – May retake, if necessary Year 3 – Retake if necessary This year’s NBPTS cycle runs from March 31, 2013 – May 31, 2014.
National Board Certification in Illinois
Growth of ILLINOIS NBCTs YEAR # NBCTs , , , , , , , , ,582
Professional Educator License Professional Educator License Self-contained elementary, content-area endorsements, special education, administrative and school service personnel endorsements along with appropriate grade levels will be placed on a professional educator license or an educator license with stipulations.Self-contained elementary, content-area endorsements, special education, administrative and school service personnel endorsements along with appropriate grade levels will be placed on a professional educator license or an educator license with stipulations. The three levels of teaching certificates: initial, standard and master will be eliminated; however, a National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) designation will appear on the teaching license as a “Master Teacher “ designation.The three levels of teaching certificates: initial, standard and master will be eliminated; however, a National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) designation will appear on the teaching license as a “Master Teacher “ designation. Note: ISBE is making significant rule changes to the Illinois Licensing System when implementation of Public Act becomes effective on July 1, Note: ISBE is making significant rule changes to the Illinois Licensing System under the implementation of Public Act becomes effective.
What Support is Available to Illinois Candidates?
Three Resources for Support 1.National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) Manages the National Board Assessment System. 2. National Board Resource Center (NBRC) at Illinois State University Processes the applications for the IL Candidate Fee Subsidy. Offers website resources for candidates. Manages candidate support (current). Provides face to face candidate support, virtual candidate support, and Regional Coordinators to oversee and manage regions (current). 3.ISU Graduate Course, SIU-E Graduate Course Availability dependent on numbers registered for the course. 4.Voluntary NBCT-led Candidate Support NBCTs may volunteer to set up cohorts or individually mentor candidates.
Additional Candidate Support An increasing number of districts have contractual stipends for NBCTs. In those districts the emphasis may be on the district support. NBCTs can recruit candidates from these districts and work with administrators to set up candidate support cohorts or individual NBCT mentoring. Visit the NBRC website for administrator resources. Individual NBCTs may recruit and commit to support one or two candidates. Individual NBCTs may recruit teachers in a grade level or department. Groups of NBCTs in a school or district may collaborate to recruit and support groups of candidates in the school or district. NBCTs may reach out of their school or district to recruit and support teachers. ROEs have a history of supporting regional candidates.
How Do I Know If This Process is Right For Me? Go to the NBPTS web site “ For Candidates-Certificate Areas” page: Scroll down and select the subject area (or generalist) and the developmental level (early childhood, middle childhood etc.) that matches your teaching assignment. Then download and review the “Assessment at a Glance”. Highlight every place where you “see” your practice. Decide whether or not this process will be a good fit for you. For a more in-depth understanding of the process, download and review the Standards, Portfolio Instructions and Scoring Guide. (found on the same page as the “Assessment at a Glance”).
What Do I Do Next? 1.Review the standards and requirements. Go to Make the commitment. 3.Familiarize yourself with your state and local application requirements at the NBRC at ISU website. 4.Identify financial resources.
Eligible for State Funding ― Teach in an Illinois public school. ― Have a valid and current IL initial or standard teaching license or Type 73 counseling license. ― Apply to NBPTS and pay the $65 first. ― Complete the application with accurate information.
Priority for State Funding In the event there are more applications than available funding, the state will prioritize applications on a first come, first serve basis and for teachers who meet one of these qualifications: Teach in an AEWS School. Teach in a AWS School. Teach in a school with 50% or more students on free or reduced lunch. Note: Those who do NOT meet the criteria will be placed on a WAITING LIST.
What is the Criteria for the Priority? Teachers and counselors who submit an application by Jun 15, 2013, will be reviewed and approved on a first come, first serve basis with priority given in three phases: Phase 1: Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria will be approved. Phase 2: In the event there is funding available after June 15, 2013, applicants on the waiting list will be approved on a first come, first serve basis beginning on June 18, Phase 3: In the event there is funding available after June 18, 2013, Take One! applicants on the waiting list will be approved on a first come, first serve basis beginning on June 18,
How to Apply for State Funding The 2013 Window for the Illinois NBPTS Candidate Fee Subsidy opened on February 15, 2013 for a limited number of First-Time Illinois Candidates! Details about the Application Process February 15, 2013 at 10:00 AM - June 15, 2013 at 4:30 PM Step 1: Register at NBPTS and pay the $65 registration fee online at (DO NOT PAY THE $500 NON-REFUNDABLE FEE.) Step 2: Apply online at for the Illinois NBPTS Candidate Fee Subsidy. Step 3: Once your name is on the Approved List, return to the NBPTS site and pay the non-refundable $500 by June 25,
Available Links Available Links at 10:00 AM on February 15, 2012 Illinois NBPTS Candidate Fee Subsidy Application is ONLINE! Practice Application to help candidates complete a practice online Illinois Candidate Fee Subsidy Application. Common Errors Document Common Errors Document to help candidates complete the online Illinois Candidate Fee Subsidy Application accurately. Approved List for the Illinois NBPTS Candidate Fee Subsidy:Approved List for the Illinois NBPTS Candidate Fee Subsidy: Names of candidates who are approved to receive the $2,000 Illinois Candidate Fee Subsidy will be added to the Approved List daily. Once candidates see their names on the Approved List, they should return to NBPTS and pay the $500 by June 27,
Application Resources Application Resources for the Online Illinois NBPTS Candidate Fee Subsidy Application School Status Reports Academic Warning and Early Warning Lists Academic Warning and Early Warning Lists (2012) 50% Reduced-Priced Lunch Program Schools50% Reduced-Priced Lunch Program Schools (2012) NBPTS Teaching Certificate Abbreviation Illinois Teaching Certificates Eligible for Approval School RCDT Codes Illinois Electronic Certification System (ECS)Illinois Electronic Certification System (ECS)--Find your Teaching Certificate Number.
NBPTS Resources o Website Logistical Information Standards and Portfolios Support Materials Guide to National Board Certification Q & A: What every teacher should know Standards Portfolio Directions Assessment Descriptions Scoring Guide
Illinois Resources NBRC at ISU website ISBE website
TAKE ONE! For those not ready for the whole NBPTS process, you can participate in TAKE ONE! with the option of transferring your score to the complete NB process. Can be used to create a professional learning community in whole schools, departments, large and small groups. For more information go to the NBRC website at Or the NBPTS website at