Cooperation between Polish & Norwegian polar marine scientists Example and offer from Institute of Oceanology, Polish Acedemy of Sciences in Sopot
Existing working contacts Instutute of Oceanology PAS cooperates with Norsk Polarinstitutt – marine ecology, sedimentology, oceanography University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) – plankton ecology University of Tromso – marine ecology, marine geology University of Bergen – physical oceanography AKVAPLAN Tromso – benthic ecology, biodiversity NIVA Trondheim – habitat mapping University of Oslo - biodiversity
Effect of cooperation Join phD students (3) Reviews of phD (3) Joint research projects EU funded (4) Joint research projects NRC funded (3) Joint research projects - shared costs (2) Coauthored research papers (12)
The need for support Acess to research infrastructure Capacity building for research groups Education of senior students
Proposed projects Habitat mapping as a tool for environmental management in marine protected areas (IOPAN – NIVA) submited to NFM Climate change impact on Arctic marine Biodiversity (IOPAN – UNIS), Jorgen Borge Climate changes – WARMPAST and HOLOPOL (IOPAN – University of Tromsoe, NP), Morten Hald Baltic Sea influence on Norwegian coast.
Two levels of project: Oceanographical (IOPAN – University of Bergen) Geological (Polish consortium - Tromsoe University) The main thesis: 1000 years ago climate of Europe was warmer than currently. Knowledge about Medieval environment can allow to predict the results of future climate changes. Multi Sensor Core Logger
The cultural landscape can only be understood by its antithesis: untouched, unspoilt nature. (Fægri 1988)