Evidence for Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Experience of the EPOC Oslo satellite October 2011 Susan Munabi- Babigumira, Dr/Researcher
Outline Background EPOC Activities Lessons learned
Evidence for Health systems Oxman AD, Lavis JN, Lewin S, Fretheim A. SUPPORT Tools for evidence-informed health Policymaking (STP): 1. What is evidence-informed policymaking? Health Res Policy Syst
The Cochrane Effective Practice and Organisation of Care Review Group (EPOC) – Professional interventions (e.g. continuing medical education, audit and feedback) – Financial interventions (e.g. professional incentives) – Organisational interventions (e.g. the expanded role of pharmacists) – Regulatory / governance interventions (e.g. interventions to reduce corruption in the health sector)
EPOC Satellite Oslo Based at the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services Support review teams in low- & middle-income countries (LMICs) to undertake and update relevant EPOC reviews
Capacity building 1 dot = 1 review team
Priority Setting Map of global evidence on health systems research Identify gaps in evidence Outdated reviews List of priorities to be developed iteratively
Knowledge Translation
Knowledge Translation... Evidence –based policy briefs
Knowledge Translation – Policy Dialogues
Rapid Response Service Policy makers urgent need for evidence Pilot in Uganda and Burkina Faso Response to policy makers urgent questions in a systematic way drawing on research evidence Positive response from policy makers Ongoing evaluation
Lessons learned Institutional support Access to Literature Capacity building Translation of evidence to useable formats Critical mass of champions
Acknowledge EPOC Oslo satellite team and authors SUPPORT Collaboration SURE Project Contact: