Step1 . Leading in (5 分钟 ) Step2. Reading ( 13 分钟) Step3. Writing ( 20 分钟) Step5. Homework (1 分钟 ) Step4. Summary (1 分钟 )


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Presentation transcript:

Step1 . Leading in (5 分钟 ) Step2. Reading ( 13 分钟) Step3. Writing ( 20 分钟) Step5. Homework (1 分钟 ) Step4. Summary (1 分钟 )

Step1 . Leading in (5mins) 1)Can you tell any disabled people with great achievements? 2)Look at some pictures. Who are they? What are their disabilities and achievements?

Ludwig Von Beethoven 路德维希 · 范 · 贝多芬( ) Composer in Germany 26 years old -- hearing impaired 35 years old -- deaf

张海迪 五岁时因患脊髓血管瘤, paralyzed 高位截瘫。 (writer & translator) 自学掌握了英语、日语、 德语和世界语。

Hellen Keller( ) Blind, deaf and dumb 1964 年被授予美国公民最 高的荣誉 —— 总统自由勋 章,次年被推选为世界十 名杰出妇女之一。

Stephen Hawking Physicist , mathematician 1963 年被诊断出肌萎缩性侧索硬化症。 超越了相对论、 量子力学、大爆炸等 理论而迈入创造宇宙 的 “ 几何之舞 ” 。

…a strong will …determination …self-confident …perseverance …hard-work … optimistic …live a meaningful life … Why can the disabled achieve success in life?

Step2. Reading Task 1. Fast reading(3mins) Glance through the first and the last paragraphs. Main idea: ____________________________ Marty is a disabled person, but he overcomes the difficulties and leads a happy life.

a. Read Marty’s story and fill in the chart. (5mins) Task 2. Careful reading

Marty’s mini biography disease difficulties ambition achievement hobby motto advice

difficulties Clumsy and can’t run or climb stairs as quickly as other people To work in the computer industry A muscle disease disease ambition achievement Invented a computer game

motto To live one day at a time Don’t feel sorry for the disabled or make fun of them but accept them & give them encouragement to live a full day hobby advice Going to the movies & football matches & keeping pets

1. From the passage we can infer that ____. A. Marty asks others to feel sorry for him. B. Marty never loses heart. C. Marty is afraid of being made fun of. D. Marty will not accept any encouragement because he has grown stronger. B. b. Multiple choice. (2mins)

2. Which one is false? A.When a few students look down upon him, Marty gets very angry. B. Marty leads a meaningful life and does not feel sorry for being disabled. C. Marty disability has made him more independent. A

What kind of person is Marty? brave, strong-minded, optimistic, happy, independent Task 3. Discussion (pair work) (3mins)

1. 用 30 个词左右概述本文 2. 就 “ 应该如何对待人生的挫折 ” 为主题 发表你的看法(约 120 词) 1 )谈谈身边的人对待生活或学习中挫折的 态度。 2 )你认为应该如何正确应对人生的挫折或 不幸。

Attitude be in low spirits lose heart/confidence give up … work harder complain … try one ’ s best to overcome Brainstorming

Attitude b. Organization ① sort out the information ( 5 分钟) Optimistic( … )Pessimistic ( … ) on the other hand, on the contrary, / however,

② Give topic sentence and supporting sentences ( 4 分钟) Topic sentence: (attitude) _____________________ __________________ Supporting sentences: Optimistic(…) ___________________ Pessimistic(…) __________________ Different people have different attitudes towards frustrations Most students take an active attitude towards frustrations. … Some are in low spirits when meet with frustrations. …

③ Sum up the structure (5mins) Structure: Part 1: summary (In fact, …) Part 2: attitude (T + S) (In my view / opinion, As far as I’m concerned, …) Part 3: opinion

1 ) Finish the writing. 2 ) Surf the internet to learn more about the life of disabled people. Homework