1 Samuel 1 (p.211) 1 Samuel 1 (p.211) 7:2-3 – Samuel’s leadership 7:2-3 – Samuel’s leadership Samuel is devoted to the Lord. Samuel is devoted to the.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Samuel 1 (p.211) 1 Samuel 1 (p.211) 7:2-3 – Samuel’s leadership 7:2-3 – Samuel’s leadership Samuel is devoted to the Lord. Samuel is devoted to the Lord. Samuel gets his strength from obedience to God. Samuel gets his strength from obedience to God. 8:4-7 – Samuel is rejected 8:4-7 – Samuel is rejected 10:20-24 – Saul becomes king. 10:20-24 – Saul becomes king. Saul is gifted and respectful. Saul is gifted and respectful. Saul is insecure but strategic. Saul is insecure but strategic.

Adversity is a crossroads that makes a person choose one of two paths: character or compromise. John Maxwell

Every problem introduces you to yourself. It shows you how you think and what you’re made of. John Maxwell

13:10-12 – the burnt offering 13:10-12 – the burnt offering Saul chose strategy over obedience. Saul chose strategy over obedience. 15:7-15 – only doing half the job 15:7-15 – only doing half the job Saul had excuses instead of remorse. Saul had excuses instead of remorse. Result – insecurity grows Result – insecurity grows

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. Martin Luther King, Jr., “Strength to Love” speech