Brain Jogger “Why should we learn about other people’s religions?” Discuss with a neighbor
SS6G11b The student will describe the cultural characteristics of Europe b. Describe the major religions in Europe; include Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
Comparing Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
Monotheism Mono (means one) the belief that there is only one God
How many Gods? Monotheistic One
Leader Leader of Judaism is: Abraham
Name of God: Yahweh
Believers Believers of Judaism are called: Jews
Holy Book The Holy Book of Judaism is called: Torah consists of the first five books of the Old Testament
The Sacred Place of the Jews in Jerusalem is The Wailing Wall It is what is left of King Solomon’s Temple
Place of Worship The place of worship for Judaism is called: a Synagogue
Inside a Synagogue synagogue-budapest-hungary#-23.69, , k0xWbI
Main Day of Worship The Main Day of worship for Judaism is: Saturday
View of Jesus Christ Judaism's view of Jesus Christ: An ordinary Jewish man not the Messiah (a divine person)
Holy Places The Holy Place of Judaism is: Jerusalem
Traditions The Traditions of Judaism are: Bar/Bat Mitzvah Hanukah Passover
Symbols Symbols of Judaism: MenorahStar of David
1.Where do Jews worship? 2. What day do Jews worship? 3. What is the holiest city of Judaism? Synagogue Saturday Jerusalem
How many Gods? Monotheistic One
Leader Leader of Christianity is: Jesus Christ
Name of God: God
Believers Believers of Christianity are called:Christians
Holy Book The Holy Book of Christianity is called:Bible
The Sacred Place of Worship in Jerusalem is the Church of the Holy Sepulcher This church is built over the place where they believe Jesus’ tomb was before he was resurrected.
Place of Worship The place of worship for Christianity is called: Church, chapel, or Cathedral
Main Day of Worship The Main Day of worship for Christianity is:Sunday
View of Jesus Christ Christianity’s view of Jesus Christ : Son of God, God incarnate, savior of the world
Holy Places The Holy Places of Christianity are: Jerusalem Bethlehem Vatican City (catholic)
w/Inside-the-Vatican-A-Virtual-Tour-Part-1 Inside the Vatican
Traditions The Traditions of Christianity are: -Christmas -Easter
Talk to your neighbor about why you think Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter.
Symbols Symbols of Christianity : Cross “fish” Dove of Peace
Quick Review What does Monotheism mean? Belief in One God Who founded Christianity? Jesus Christ What are the followers of Christ called? Christians What city is Holy to the Christians? Jerusalem
What is the name of the God of the Christians? God Who do the Christians believe Jesus Christ is? The Son of God, the savior of the world, The Messiah What is the name of the Holy Book of Christians? The Bible List a few of their traditions: Christmas, Easter, Going to Church on Sunday
Brain Jogger 1.Who is the founder of Christianity? 2.Where do Christians worship? 3. What day do Christians worship? (try to answer without your chart, you can do it!!!) 1.Who is the founder of Christianity? 2.Where do Christians worship? 3. What day do Christians worship? (try to answer without your chart, you can do it!!!) Jesus Christ Church, Chapel, Cathedral Sunday
How many Gods? Monotheistic One
Leader/Founder Leader/founder of Islam: Muhammad
Name of God: Allah
Believers Believers of Islam are called: Muslims
Holy Book The Holy Book of Islam is called: Qur'an or Koran
Muslims’ Sacred place of worship in Jerusalem is the Dome of the Rock It is believed to be built over the spot were Muhammad got his revelations from the angel Gabriel
Place of Worship The place of worship for Islam is called: a Mosque
Main Day of Worship The Main Day of worship for Islam is: Friday
View of Jesus Christ Islamic view of Jesus Christ : A prophet, sent by Allah and born of the Virgin Mary, but not divine
Holy Places The Holy Places of Islam are: Jerusalem Mecca Medina
Traditions The Traditions of Islam are: Fasting during Ramadan Pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj) Five Pillars of Islam
The Five Pillars of Islam 1.Faith- There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet 2.Prayer- 5 times a day facing Mecca 3.Charity- giving to those in need 4.Fasting during the month of Ramadan 5.Hajj- trip to the holy city of Mecca
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Symbols Symbols of Islam : Star and Crescent
1.Where do Muslims worship? 2. What day do Muslims worship? 3. What is one of the holiest city of Islam?