Middle Fork Project TERR 6 - Special-Status Bat Technical Study Plan Report Overview March 3, 2008
1 Study Objectives Document special-status bats and roosts at existing Project facilities, features, and recreation features Document special-status bats and roosts at existing Project facilities, features, and recreation features Document special-status bats and roosts at potential Project betterments Document special-status bats and roosts at potential Project betterments Townsend’s Big-Eared Bat (Corynorhinus townsendii )
2 TERR 6 – Special-Status Bats Study Objectives and Related Conduct Facility AssessmentDevelop Preliminary Map of Known Occurrences Visual Roost Surveys Handheld Acoustic Sampling Infrared Video Conduct Reproductive Surveys Identify Facilities Not Providing Bat Access or Potential Habitat Conduct Seasonal Habitat Use Surveys Stationary Acoustic Sampling Mist Net Sampling Select Survey Locations and Methods Document Special-Status Bat Seasonal Habitat Use in the Study Area Document Special-Status Bat Occurrences in the Study Area Identify Facilities Supporting Bats Identify Facilities Potentially Supporting Bats Document Special-Status Bats and Roosts Develop Final Map of Known Occurrences TERR 6 – Special-Status Bats Technical Study Report – 2008 Study Elements and Reports
3 Conducted Facility Assessment Supporting bats Supporting bats Potentially supporting bats Potentially supporting bats Not providing bat access or potential habitat Not providing bat access or potential habitat French Meadows Powerhouse – Sign of extensive roosting activity in alcoves Identified Project Facilities or Features:
4 Selected Focused Survey Locations and Site-Specific Methods During Terrestrial TWG Conference Call (August 13, 2007) Reviewed Facility Assessment Results Reviewed Facility Assessment Results Refined Scope of TSP Refined Scope of TSP Selected Survey Locations and Site-Specific Methods for: Selected Survey Locations and Site-Specific Methods for: Reproductive Surveys Seasonal Habitat Use Surveys Western Red Bat (Lasiurus blossevillii ) Twelve Reproductive Survey Locations Nine Seasonal Habitat Use Survey Locations
5 Reproductive Surveys Conducted at: Conducted at: Facilities where bat roosts or sign were identified Facilities determined to be suitable for bat use, but presence was not determined during Facility Assessment Implemented August and September 2007 Implemented August and September 2007 Consisted of one or more of the following site- specific methods: Consisted of one or more of the following site- specific methods: Visual Roost Handheld Acoustic Infrared Video
6 Seasonal Habitat Use Surveys Spatially distributed across elevation range of study area at reservoirs, diversion pools, and potential Project betterments Spatially distributed across elevation range of study area at reservoirs, diversion pools, and potential Project betterments Focused in potential flight paths near foraging habitat or commuting corridors Focused in potential flight paths near foraging habitat or commuting corridors Implemented August through October 2007 Implemented August through October 2007 Consisted of one or more of the following site- specific methods: Consisted of one or more of the following site- specific methods: Mist netting Stationary Acoustic –5-Night –Long-Term
7 Survey Results No special-status bat roosts identified in Project facilities or features No special-status bat roosts identified in Project facilities or features Three special-status bats detected during acoustic sampling : Three special-status bats detected during acoustic sampling : Pallid bat Townsend’s big-eared bat Western red bat Special-status bat activity was concentrated in August Special-status bat activity was concentrated in August
8 Bat Roosts Identified In Study Area Reproductive Surveys
9 Five-Night Acoustic Seasonal Habitat Use Survey Results Five-Night Acoustic Seasonal Habitat Use Survey Results
10 Five-Night Acoustic Seasonal Habitat Use Survey Results (cont.)
11 Surveys were conducted at 4 Project facilities Surveys were conducted at 4 Project facilities Peak detections in August Peak detections in August Between 9 and 15 bat species were detected at each sampling location Between 9 and 15 bat species were detected at each sampling location Of these, 3 were special-status species: Of these, 3 were special-status species: Pallid bat Townsend’s big-eared bat Western red bat Total common bat passes: 44,029 Total special-status bat species passes: 74 Long-Term Acoustic Surveys Pallid Bat (Antrozous pallidus) 0.17% of passes were special-status bats
12 Special-Status Bat Detections