Barge MM-53 Update 02 Feb Hightlights (01-02 Feb.) –Discussed sampling plans with state agencies, USFWS, USCG and RP for water column and tissues. (more to follow) –Salvage equipment began arriving on-scene and the salvers did initial survey on the barge. Among the initial findings/opinions: Cargo hold #4 starboard is empty, likely leaking from the open hatch and through a breach into #4 port. #4 port has a leak just below the water line in the area of the “hog” (place where it is bent against the bridge) of the hull. Cargo hold #2 starboard leaked through the open hatch, but no more, meaning that 6 feet of cargo remains inside. The heating system is intact (this is disputed by Magnolia Marine personnel, more on this to follow) The starboard diesel tank is 1/3 full –The barge continues to sheen (mostly silvers, sporadic rainbows) –Floating asphalt has been found as far as 20 miles downstream, but the number of asphalt patties on the shore is extremely sporadic Renn Hansen departed On-scene: Steve Lehmann, NOAA SSC
Sampling Plan A conference call with states, USFWS, USCG, NOAA and RP was conducted on Wednesday to discuss the need and method of sampling in the area of the spill. Dr. Amy Merten (NOAA/HMRD) participated to provide technical advise in the area of environmental toxicology. Water Column –ORSANCO has been contracted by the RP to take and analyze water column samples in the river. As per agreement with the states, four areas will be sampled; upriver of the barge (control), within a mile of the barge, in the area of the mussel beds (6 miles) and 20 miles down river. As ORSANCO is both state and federally funded and charged with monitoring the waterway, they were a logical choice to contract and agreed to by all parties. –Samples were taken today (Thursday) Tissue –It was agreed that any tissue samples will be from mussels (species to be determined). Total PAHs will be examined. Mussels from upstream will be used as control. The full plan is yet to be developed and will be coordinated directly between USFWS, Kentucky and the RP. –USFWS also requested a survey of the down stream bed for possible endangered mussel species. While the most recent surveys (2000) revealed no living evidence of the animals, USFWS felt the data were too old to be reliable.
Future Plans Salvage vs Cleanup –There is ongoing discussion with the states and the federal partners regarding the delay of any cleanup activities until the salvage is complete. It is felt that the recoverable contaminants (the asphalt) are relatively stable (both chemically and physically) and that recovery would be difficult to impossible during the salvage operations. Therefore, the command may decide to suspend cleanup until after the barge is removed. In the interum: Re-think and contract underwater imaging such as multi-beam, high resolution side-scan sonar Develop recovery criteria and end-points Develop cleanup techniques and plans Obtain necessary permits (mostly ACOE for dredging) –Initial discussion indicate that all key stakeholders agree
Continuing Release The barge continues to sheen. Although the salvers believe this release (right) is pure heated asphalt and that the heating system is intact, the RP’s tankerman obtained a sample and is convinced that this is heating (thermolene) oil. This fits the general consensus of the Environmental Unit, based on odor and the extent of the sheening. Clearly some asphalt is involved and the thermolene is acting as a solvent. Video on following slide
Cat Walk - midship on barge
Sheen within one mile of the barge Digitally Enhanced
Sheen approximately 4 miles from the barge (streamers: < 1 inch wide) Digitally Enhanced
Found over 1 mile from the barge, 15 ft up the bank of the river. It is assumed that it floated to its location Pancake-zilla
First Day Oil was reported to release from the barge in large “pancakes” and would rapidly submerge Photos courtesy of: USCG Sector Ohio Valley