From Social Drinking To Drunkenness  The Bible does speak of wine, mixed wines and strong drink.  The word “wine” in the Bible refers to the liquid.


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Presentation transcript:

From Social Drinking To Drunkenness

 The Bible does speak of wine, mixed wines and strong drink.  The word “wine” in the Bible refers to the liquid from grapes at all stages from juice to vinegar. Religious people seeking to justify and defend some drinking habits point to the Bible’s use of the word “wine”.

 Juice in the cluster (Isa. 65:8); juice in the press (Isa. 16:10); juice during fermentation (Prov. 23:31); drink for medicinal use (1 Tim. 5:23).

 “New wine” (Hos. 4:11); “red wine” (Isa. 27:2); “sweet wine” (Isa. 49:26); wine mixed with milk (Song of Solomon 5:1); “sour wine” (Matt. 27:34);  Modern distilling was discovered around A.D

 Drunkenness – a work of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21).  Inconsistent with sobriety (Rom. 12:3; Tit. 2:2, 12; 1 Pet. 1:13). Sins are associated with drinking alcoholic beverages.

 1 Peter 4:1-4  Revelling; carousing  Banqueting; drinking parties; “a drinking” Sins are associated with drinking alcoholic beverages.

 Alcohol makes people act and do what they ordinarily would not do (Prov. 23:29-35).  Alcohol affects judgment and ability to process and reason righteously (Prov. 31:4-7). Sins are associated with drinking alcoholic beverages.

 Researchers at the University of California San Diego reviewed 14 years of accident data and found that “a blood alcohol concentration of just 0.01 percent was associated with risky behavior such as speeding.” Lead researcher, David P. Phillips, Ph.D. says, “For a 180 pound person, that translates to one glass of wine or a bottle of beer.” (Better Homes And Gardens, November 2011, p. 184). But, it is just one beer, one drink!

 “ Wine is a mocker, strong drink is a brawler, and whoever is led astray by it is not wise.” (Proverbs 20:1) But, it is just one beer, one drink!

 As little as 0.01 alcohol content in the blood impairs functions to godly living. One glass, one beer affects the frontal lobe of the brain – dulling attention, removing inhibitions, giving false confidence, weakening willpower, lessening self- control and impairing judgment. (Hallmarks, Christianity Magazine, February 1989, p. 5) But, it is just one beer, one drink!