Capitalization in Sentences Created by Kathryn Reilly
Capitalization Rules Capitalize the first word of a sentence. Capitalize the first letter in a complete quotation. Capitalize a the first letter of a sentence following a colon if multiple sentences follow.
Capitalization and Sentence Beginnings Rule Always capitalize the first word in a sentence. Capitalizing the first letter alerts the reader that a new thought has begun in conjunction with end punctuation. Examples In the winter, I enjoy skiing. Sometimes, I’ll try snowboarding. However, I am not very good at it yet.
Capitalization and Quotations Rule Always capitalize the letter beginning a complete quotation. Examples According to Dr. Smith, “Running thirty minutes a day can improve one’s health.” “Here is your change,” the cashier said, “and have a nice day!”
Capitalization and Colons Rule Capitalize the first letter of a sentence if two or more sentences follow the quotation. Do NOT capitalize if a list follows a colon. Examples Christmas is my favorite holiday: Nothing better exists than spending time with friends. Addressing holiday cards really brings out the season! This holiday I plan to: shop online, celebrate with family and eat too many cookies.
Capitalization and Semicolons Rule Do not capitalize an independent clause that follows a semicolon. Examples Fall is my favorite season; the changing leaves are just beautiful. Dogs make great pets; they are loyal, friendly and smart.
Capitalization in Sentences Review 1.Always capitalize the beginning of a new sentence. 2.Always capitalize the beginning of a complete quotation. 3.Always capitalize a sentence follow a colon if two or more sentences follow. 4.Do not capitalize an independent clause following semicolon.