AUSTRALIA Kamau Clanagan Period 2
INTRODUCTION Australia is a country and a continent.Australia is a country and a continent. It is a very developed country/continent.It is a very developed country/continent. Officially known as the Commonwealth of Australia.Officially known as the Commonwealth of Australia. Language: English (with an Australian accent)Language: English (with an Australian accent) It’s capital city is Canberra.It’s capital city is Canberra. It is a prosperous multicultural society.It is a prosperous multicultural society. It’s largest city is Sydney.It’s largest city is Sydney. It’s population is 22,010,766 inhabitants.It’s population is 22,010,766 inhabitants.
Dress to Impress (for business) Men Black/navy blue suit White shirt with the suit Tie with the suit Women Skirt or trouser suit White blouse with the suit
Gifts (for business) Gift-giving isn’t part of Australian business culture. Holiday cards are appropriate gifts. –Mostly for business done in the previous year. –But they must arrive a week before holidays. Don’t send a gift to your business counterpart –Unless you receive one first.
Welcomed Conversation Weather Sports (mostly AFL- Victoria, NRL-New South Wales and Queensland) Religion (unless Australian counterpart brings it up) Politics (unless Australian counterpart brings it up) Sex (unless Australian counterpart brings it up) Anything related to Australia in a positive way.
Environment Only 6% of Australia’s land mass is arable. 91% of Australia is covered by native vegetation. It has the driest continental land. Pollution is a major problem. Endowed with 140 species of marsupials. 10.5% of the natural environment is protected. –By the national environmental legislation.
Political Situation Australia is in an economic crisis. DSP and Social Alliance are fighting capitalism’s attacks. The attacks on minorities like the Tamils and Somalis. Capitalists are fighting to increase its profit margins. They’re attacking the civil liberties of people’s sexualities – Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersexual.
Government Laws Border Protection Legislation Amendment Act 1999 Crimes (Child Sex Tourism) Amendment Act 1994 Suppression of Prostitution Act Criminal Code Amendment (Slavery and Sexual Servitude) Act 1999 Human Rights (Sexual Conduct) Act Sect 4
Import Requirements Goods must be cleared by Australian Customs Service. Importation of drugs and weapons aren’t allowed. Must pay $1000 or less for importation fee. Goods remain with ACS until payment is paid. All sea cargo must be declared to ASC.