Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service Friday, January 15th
Activities for Day of Service Make snacks/toys for animals in shelters. Write letters for our military, the sick and lonely. Make bagged lunches for those in need Create holiday cards and gifts for those who receive nothing on special days. And more…..
What can I donate? Peanut Butter Oats Hershey kisses Fleece-new and used Tulle Curling ribbon
What can I donate? Boxes of plastic spoons Boxes of candy canes Tube socks/soccer socks Stickers, scrapbook supplies and old greeting cards Case of water(small bottles preferred) Bagged snacks(fruit snacks and chips) Cheerios, Chex mix, raisins, M&Ms
Ways to Earn Money to Help Make a list of chores you can do at home Assign a value to each chore Friendly team competition to keep track of monetary donations. Mrs. Laird-Astros Mr. Miller-Comets
Make a list of chores Clean my room Empty Dishwasher Help with groceries Set/Clear Dinner Table Vacuum/dust house Clean bathroom
When is this due? Everything is due by January 9 th Donations of materials will earn 5 points extra credit in social studies.