Wilson Fights for Peace


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Presentation transcript:

Wilson Fights for Peace Ch. 19, Section 4

Main Idea As the war comes to an end, US President Woodrow Wilson proposes a plan for peace called the Fourteen Points. Many European leaders oppose the plan and the US Senate fails to ratify (accept) the peace treaty. Many issues were left unresolved by the Treaty of Versailles

Introduction: Peace, Diplomacy and Reparations As you are watching the short video, answer the questions.

Peace, Diplomacy and Reparations

Wilson’s Plan for Peace Called the Fourteen Points Had four major goals: Spreading democracy Open Markets International Organization dedicated to keeping peace Active global role for the United States

Task: Create a concept map to understand Wilson’s goals and Fourteen Points Connect each of the fourteen points to the goal that you think the point is trying to fill. Be able to explain why you connected the point to the goal!

Example: Point III Removal of economic barriers Wilson's Foreign Policy Spreading Democracy International Organization dedicated to keeping peace Active global role for the United States Open Markets

Goals of Fourteen Points Spreading democracy Open Markets International Organization dedicated to keeping peace Active global role for the United States

1. Spreading democracy

Open Markets

International organization dedicated to keeping peace

Active role of the United States

Wilson’s Fourteen Points Wilson’s plan for peace Divided into three parts First 5 were issues that had to be addressed to prevent another war Next 8 dealt with boundary change 14th point called for the development of the League of Nations

League of Nations International peace keeping organization Provide a forum to for nations to discuss & settle problems without having to go to war

Developing a Peace Treaty Big Four attended the meeting in Paris to discuss creating a peace treaty United States France Britain Italy Germany NOT there Each had their own priorities

Provisions of the Treaty Established 9 new nations Germany had to give up its colonies Germany could not have an army Germany needed to return Alsace Lorraine to France Germany had to pay reparations (war damages) War Guilt Clause - Germany had to take sole responsibility for starting the war

Weakness of Treaty Treaty humiliated Germany Didn’t recognize role of other countries in igniting the war Germany could not pay the reparations Russia lost more territory than Germany

Opposition to the treaty Many American’s opposed the treaty because they believed it was too harsh

Controversy over the League of Nations Supporters The League of Nations could lead to peace without war Opposition The League of Nations would get the US involved in European problems THE US SENATE OPPOSED THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS, THE US NEVER JOINED

Legacy of the War Desire to return to “Normalcy” Strengthened US military & industrial power Made social changes for African Americans & women Propaganda provoked fears Destroyed Europe