Series: Is Jesus the Messiah? (CR14) Document: CR14-40 Page: 394 Lesson: 132 Date: Nov. 12, 2015
DISPENSATIONS: Acts 2:17-21 cf. Joel 2:28-32 & Daniel 12:11-12 Gentiles Creation of Adam Exodus from Egypt 1441 B. C. Israel 1st Advent of Christ 2 B. C. THEOCENTRIC Incar- nation Pentecost A. D. 33 Church Rapture TribulationMillennium CHRISTOCENTRIC 2nd Advent of Christ End of Human History ESCHATOLOGICAL © 2015 by Joe Griffin Media Ministries. All rights reserved. Acts 2:17-18 cf. Joel 2:28-29 Acts 2:19-20 cf. Joel 2:30-31 Acts 2:17-18 cf. Joel 2:28-29 Acts 2:19-20 cf. Joel 2:30-31 Baptisms of Fire Acts 2:21 & Joel 2:32 cf. Dan. 12:11-12 Acts 2:21 & Joel 2:32 cf. Dan. 12: ,000-Year Reign of Christ Daniel’s 70 th Heptad Acts 2:19-20 cf. Joel 2:30-31
VIEWS ON THE RAPTURE: Pretribulational VIEWS ON THE RAPTURE: Pretribulational ___|___________|__________|____________|_ _ _ _ X Christ’s Death, Burial & Resurrection ___|___________|__________|____________|_ _ _ _ X Christ’s Death, Burial & Resurrection Church Age Tribulation Y Rapture Eternal State Z Second Advent Millennium The pretribulational approach contends that the Rapture withdraws all Church-Age believers from the battlefield of the Angelic Conflict before the Tribulation. Thus, the Rapture marks the termination point of the Church Age and sets the stage for the start of the Tribulation. © 2011 by Joe Griffin Media Ministries. All rights reserved.
VIEWS ON THE RAPTURE: Midtribulational VIEWS ON THE RAPTURE: Midtribulational ___|___________|_____|_____|____________|_ _ _ X Christ’s Death, Burial & Resurrection ___|___________|_____|_____|____________|_ _ _ X Christ’s Death, Burial & Resurrection Church Age Trib. 3½ yrs Y Rapture Eternal State Z Second Advent Millennium The midtribulational view contends that the Rapture will occur in the middle of the seven-year Tribulation. The Bible refers to the last half of this dispensation as the Great Tribulation. This latter 3½ years is the period which this school asserts the believer will not have to endure. © 2011 by Joe Griffin Media Ministries. All rights reserved. Gt. Trib. 3½ yrs
VIEWS ON THE RAPTURE: Posttribulational VIEWS ON THE RAPTURE: Posttribulational ___|___________|__________|____________|_ _ _ _ X Christ’s Death, Burial & Resurrection ___|___________|__________|____________|_ _ _ _ X Christ’s Death, Burial & Resurrection Church Age Tribulation Y Rapture Eternal State Z Second Advent Millennium The posttribulational approach contends that the Rapture does not occur until the end of the Tribulation. This means that the church will continue on earth during all the events described in the Book of Revelation up to the Second Advent of Christ. © 2011 by Joe Griffin Media Ministries. All rights reserved.