Who is GETEM ? GETEM is an Assistive Technology and Education Laboratory for Individuals with Visual Disabilities. GETEM has been providing free assistive technology services and free online digital library for people with visual disabilities in Turkey since 2006.
What is audio book? Audio books are recordings of books being read aloud. Audio books are so important to take peoples with visual disabilities’ education one step forward.
Who can record an audio book? People of all ages and people who like reading books, can record audio books as a volunteering activity
Being Volunteer Recorders Step by Step
Step 1 Get PC headset with microphone A recording program Ensure a silent environment for recording You can get the recording program and other document from DDLU
Step 2 Review the rules for recording audio books and make a demo Demo that you will record, can be a citation from any book. Please send your demo voice record to Pay attention to sound volume of your demo. It should be at the same volume with any mp3 that you listen.( hesitate from faint sound or high volume)
Step 3 Choice of books You can visit if you would like to record Turkish books within requested list of blind If you would like to record books in English, you can inform GETEM about the book that you have chosen Please inform GETEM by mail about the books which you have chosen from the list or out of list. After getting approval from GETEM, you can start to record
Recording Process
Preparations before recording ; Ensure a silent room for recording Switch off your mobile phone or any electronic device to avoid from possible sounds. Run recording program and organize a fixed distance from the microphone
How should I start to read? Before starting to audio record, you should create a new folder in your desktop with the book’s name. Hesitate to use Turkish character on your folder name. Words must be written as sequential without space. Capital letter must be used for each first letter of the words. Ex: The name of the book ‘Follow Your Heart’ The folder should be saved as ‘FollowYourHeart’
After recording as «Track 1» please read the paragraph below: « This book was recorded for Assistive Technology and Education Laboratory for Individuals with Visual Disabilities» ‘In the scope of 11th dam regulation, records excepting people with visual disabilities, it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute and sell’ «Narrator: (the name of recorder)" Ex; “Narator: Azize Hande ÇELİK” Let’s start to read “Track 1”:
Track 1 First of all,you should dub the titles below, if one of these informations does nor exist, skip it. The Name of book The Author of book Type of book ; novel, article, biyography etc. Publisher name and edition of book The publication date and place of book The number of total page. ISBN no Cover picture of book
Example 1 Name of book: Bir Dinazorun anıları, Author: Mina URGAN, Type: Biography, Yapı Kredi Publishing House, 47th Edition, February 1999, İstanbul, 353 pages, ISBN No:
Description of Cover Page After recording information about the book, you should say ‘Cover picture of book’ and explain the picture as improvisation
Example Cover page of book: When we look at the picture, we saw a paper boat with red lamp on it, in the ocean, and away from the paper boat there is also a green circle with red point in its center
Track 1 After the cover picture description, please dub the information of last page of book Then if it exists, please record introduction, content of book and pages of book. (exp: Introduction, Page 7) Complete Track 1.
How we can save the tracks of book ? As we mentioned in previous slides, you should create a folder with the name of book. Every track that you read, should be saved without using Turkish characteristics (ç,ş,ü,ğ,ö,ı) and first letter should be written as capital letter without any space. Exp: 001-TheName.mp3
2nd Track and Other Tracks You can start to second track as “Track 2 Page :..” After you finishing second trackplease do not forget to say «end of track page xxx». Save the new record under folder ; like as Track : 002- TheName.mp3 Complete the book by dividing it into the tracks.
End of Book Read the index and references of book if it exists You should indicate ‘The End ‘ with the current date 15 November 2013
The End of Project? Congratulations!!! Please burn the folder to CD and send to the adress below –GETEM Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Kuzey Kampus Kuzey Park Binası, Kat Bebek / İstanbul If you can also write your adress, we can give you feedback when we receive it.
Important Notes If you see any footnote like as below; Ex: Ataman (1) started to run. Type of dubbing - Footnote Ataman: The name of Kazakh. If the footnote is an essay, you should say ‘Return to book’ If there is a word or sentence in parenthesis, you should slowly change your voice Ex: ‘in parenthesis the red shoes of my mother’ If there is quotation mark, you shouldn’t say ‘quotation mark’, you should just slowly change your voice while pronouncing it.
Important Notes When you see an abbreviation; in first time you should read also explanation, in second time you can read as abbreviation Ex: MOH (Ministry of Health ), can be pronounced as MOH in second time. When you see another picture in the book (except cover page) just say ‘Picture … ‘ then you can start to identify what you see. *You can skip intangible pictures without describing If you have a mistake in pronunciation, put the cursor one sentence back and record last sentence again
LAST but not the least; Please read books naturally, please hesitate to dub as theatrical Breath from mouth during dubbing Please read in required speed, not so slowly not so quickly
Getem Contact Information Phone: – Fax: Web: Skype: getembilgi
Address GETEM Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Kuzey Kampüs Kuzey Park Binası Kat Bebek / İstanbul