104 Biomes Video /1/2014 Starter: Biomes Video Connection: Finish Biome Map Exit: Summarize what you learned today 12/1/2014 Practice/Application: Answer the following as you watch the video. 1. What is biodiversity? 2. What trends or activities are threats to biodiversity? 3. Why is it important to maintain biodiversity? 4. What methods are people using to maintain and restore biodiversity? 5. Explain why biodiversity is important to people and their environment. 6. Identify at least three causes of the decrease in biodiversity on Earth today.
December 1, 2014 AGENDA 1 Starter 2.Video 3.Biome Map Objective 7.10A Observe and describe how different environments, including microhabitats in schoolyards and biomes, support different varieties of organisms by completing a video with questions
Turtle, Snake Salmon Penguin, Sparrow Tadpole, salamander
DateLecture/ Activity/ Lab Page 11/4-5 Components of the Solar System Research /6 Space Mission Notes /12-13 Space Mission Poster /14 Quiz /17 CBA Review /19 Vocabulary Match /20 Biomes Notes and Map /21 Biomes Writing /1 Biomes Video
104 Biomes Video /1/2014 Starter: Biomes Video Connection: Finish Biome Map Exit: Summarize what you learned today 12/1/2014 Practice/Application: Answer the following as you watch the video. 1. What is biodiversity? 2. What trends or activities are threats to biodiversity? 3. Why is it important to maintain biodiversity? 4. What methods are people using to maintain and restore biodiversity? 5. Explain why biodiversity is important to people and their environment. 6. Identify at least three causes of the decrease in biodiversity on Earth today.