Invertebrates Phylums Paul Cassaday Hope you like it.
Nematodes/roundworms-ascaris Definition-an animal with a round tube like body that has a digestive system with two openings. Body system-they have a nervous system. They have a brain and other sense organs. Reproduction-they can only reproduce buy cutting in half or a piece off. Food-they eat any organism they live in and they haven 2 openings 1 is the mouth the other is the digestive end. Habitat-sometimes they live in the ground but other places are in other organisms. Predators-people who eat under cooked meat. Fun fact-they live in organisms to live and feed. PC
ascaris PC
Mollucks-squid Definition-an animal with a soft body and no bones Body system-they have a nervous system because they have a lot of skin and tissue. Reproduction-they release a sperm egg and it will fertilize in the water. Food-they use there tentacles to catch there prey. Habitat-they live in the ocean usually but sometimes lives in the sea. Predators-sharks. Fun facts-has 10 tentacles or are called arms. PC
squid PC
Cnidaria/jellyfish Definition-an animal with tentacles that have the ability to sting its prey or predators. Body System-they have radial symmetry. It is arranged around the center where there mouth is. They have a bowl shaped body. Reproduction - asexual-it forms a medusas that will break off and swim away/sexual-releases a sperm cell and it will land on the bottom of the ocean and grow to an adult. Food-they are carnivores-eat meat-they sting there prey and there tentacles will pull its prey in to its mouth. Habitat-jellyfish swim on the surface of the ocean and in it so they can catch there prey. Predators- sharks, sword fish, salmon, and tuna. Fun facts-they will eat there food then the stuff that doesn't digest comes out its mouth. PC
jellyfish PC
Echinoderm-starfish Definition-An invertebrate that has an internal skeleton and spine that are part of its skin. Body system-they have 1 hole for eating and wasting. Reproduction-sexually-the female putts eggs into the water and the male squirts sperm on the eggs and they get fertilized the egg. Food-uses its arms to catch its prey and puts into its mouth. Habitat-they live in the ocean and sometimes in the sea. Predators-sharks and sword fish. Fun fact-has arms to catch its prey and then it will eat it. PC
starfish PC
resources Harcourt science Octopods PC
From Paul cassaday Thanks for watching! PC By Paul Cassaday
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PORIFEA/ SPONGE EX:VENUS FLOW BASKET DEFINITION : A type of animal that filters the water it lives in to get food. BODY SYSTEMS : Protein skeletons called spicules REORODUCTION : They produce asexual. Buds and plants grow on sponges. Buds break off and grow to sponges. FOOD : Filters the water it lives in to get food. Also what ever passes them. HABITAT : Small sponges live in fresh water, lakes, ponds and streams. On rocks or sticks underwater. Predators : Threadlike structures that remove particles from the water. Sea turtles, fish or shrimp. Fun Facts : Most of the time covered with algae. jm
Platyhelminthes/ Planarian Definition : An animal such as an planarian that has a flattened body, a digestive system with only one opening and a simple nervous system. Body Systems: The digestive system that has one opening and a simple nervous system. Reproduction: Sexual, they can reproduce by mating and laying eggs. Food : The tube in around the middle under the body. This tube is used to take out waste and eat food. Some of theses 'eat the animal they are in. Habitat: In some animals body's you can find them in fresh water and lakes and ponds. Predators: They have internal body cavities. Fun Facts; They stay out of the light. They enter the body, they mate and get used to the body. jm
Annelids / Earthworms Definition; Animal such as the earthworm, whose body is made of connected sections or segments. Body Systems; They have a Circularity system, and a nerve center. Reproduction: Sexual, both male and female have sex organs. Both partners lay eggs. Food; The two sets of muscle's make the earthworm move thru the soil, where it takes food into its mouth. Habitat; Most moist and warm soil in the world. Predators; Flatworms Fun Facts; They adapt to wet weather. jm
Arthropods / Locusts Definition ; A jointed exoskeleton and jointed limbs. Body systems; Muscles attached to the inside of the exoskeleton contract and relax. Reproduction’ Sexual. The female lays eggs from which the young hatch. Food; All types of plants including crops. Habitat; Bee keepers and every place that supports life. Predators: Humans eat some arthropod's. Fun Facts they adapt to anything. jm