Fun facts about angling The Irish climate is well suited to sport angling. The weather is temperate and kind to the anglers with moderate summers, mild winters and adequate rainfall throughout the year.
Hook Hook sizes: Most sea hooks are rated from 1\0 up to > 8\0. Angling is a method of fishing by means of an “angle” (fish hook). Most people use artificial bait rather than live bait.
Fish Flying fish Salmon Bass Cod Mackerel Trout
good Catch and Release practices come down to keeping the fish's best interest at heart. After all, if you're going to release the fish, you want to know it has its best chance of survival. What's the water temperature like? Particularly when fishing for coldwater species like trout, when the water becomes warm, fish have a decreased chance of survival after being released.
Respect farmland and the rural environment. Don’t interfere with life stock, crops, machinery or other property. Don’t go into any field without asking them first.