SCIENCE Understanding the World Around Us Georgia CTAE Resource Network Instructional Resources Office July 2009
CHEMISTRY n Suspension: oil and water in a jar n Chemical reaction: vinegar and baking soda n Chemical change: ice cube and salt
PHYSICAL n Balance n Weight and Size n Movements n Gravity n Water: Sink or Float n Magnets n Machines: wheels, gears, lever, etc.
BIOLOGY n Living and non-living things n Animals n Habitats and Diets
BOTANY n Plants n Germination n Photosynthesis n Purpose of plants: food, building, clothing, etc.
ASTRONOMY- METEOROLOGY n Sun n Light and Dark: Shadows n Stars n Weather Miss LeeAnn suits up for Air & Space week!
ECOLOGY n Conservation n Recycling n Erosion n Care of the Environment
Effective Questioning To encourage children to discover scientific principles, the teacher should use effective questioning. These questions should help the child discover concepts for him/herself. n OPEN-ENDED QUESTIONS: Promotes discussion - require decision-making skills What are you observing? How could you group these? What happens when you ….? n CLOSED-ENDED QUESTIONS: Single answer or Yes/No answers What color is it? What shape is it? Do you like to look at the fish?
Science Table Collections n Have a table set up where materials are available for the child to examine with his/her senses. n Collections may include: –Leaves, nuts, rocks, plastic animals (insects, wild, farm), seeds, seashells, building tools (no sharp edges), pine cones and pine needles, building materials, etc.
Materials n Some of the materials and equipment that can be included in the science area are: –A globe, mirrors, flashlights, classroom pets, plants, magnets, nature items, magnifying glasses, a microscope, pictures, etc.