We CARE at MES! Just like we care about how we treat others and our environment, MES students care about their work.
Caring about your work means that you... Read the text carefully. Read each question carefully and thoroughly. Think carefully about how you will answer the questions. Where will you get your information (“Right there,” “Think and Search,” or “On My Own”)? Follow the “CARE” checklist to be sure that you do your best work.
How can you show what you know unless you “CARE” about your work?
We CARE at MES! Connect your answer to the question by restating. -Underline the part of the question that will start your answer. Answer all parts of the question. -Number the parts of the question you need to answer before you start your answer. Relate your answer to the selection. -Use supporting details from the text. Edit your answer. -Check for: -spelling, capitalization, punctuation -complete sentences
C onnect Connect your answer to the question by restating. Underline the part of the question that will start your answer.
Question: What is the name of your new dog? Restate the Question (RSQ): The name of my new dog is Sparky.
A nswer Answer all parts of the question. Number the parts of the question you need to answer before you start your answer.
What is a character trait that describes Skippy jon Jones? Explain your answer. A character trait that describes Skippy jon Jones is imaginative. He is imaginative because he goes into his closet and pretends he is El Skipito, the great sword fighter.
R elate Relate your answer to the selection. Use supporting details from the text.
What genre is The Three Little Pigs? Use details from the selection to support your answer. The genre of The Three Little Pigs is fantasy. In the selection, the pigs do things that are not realistic, like talking, cooking, and building houses.
Edit Edit your answer. -Check for: -spelling -capitalization -punctuation -complete sentences
Check spelling Does all of your spelling: Look right? Sound right? Make sense?
Capitalization Be sure you capitalized: First words in sentences Names The word “I” Titles
Punctuation Be sure you have: Endmarks (. ? !) Commas (for lists and quotations) Quotation Marks Are they all in the right places?
Complete Sentences Check to be sure that all of your sentences have a who or what (subject) AND a do (predicate)