Writing Assistance Presidential Decisions— George Washington
Using the Spartan Writing Protocol (SWP)
Step 1: Read the task/question carefully.
Step 2: Circle key words and underline key concepts.
Step 1&2: Use active reading strategies to understand the task.
United States Presidents have made important decisions in an effort to solve crucial problems. Theme: Presidential Decisions
From your study of United States History, identify two important Presidential decisions and for each: State one goal the President hoped to accomplish by making the decision State one goal the President hoped to accomplish by making the decision Describe the historical circumstances surround the Presidential decision Describe the historical circumstances surround the Presidential decision Evaluate the extent to which the decision achieved the President’s original goal. Evaluate the extent to which the decision achieved the President’s original goal. Discuss one immediate or long-term effect of the decision on United States history. Discuss one immediate or long-term effect of the decision on United States history.Task:
Describe means “give a sketch or impression of the subject or topic.”
Evaluate means “present your opinion and judgment of something. Explain the criteria you are using to judge something and apply that criteria to specific examples.
Discuss means “examine and talk about all sides of a subject or issue in a carefully organized manner.”
Possible decisions: Running for President Forming the Presidential cabinet Appointing Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of Treasury Whiskey Rebellion Neutrality proclamation Deciding to retire after his second term
Step 3: Read the passage carefully
Step 4: Take notes that respond to the task/question
Presidential Decision Appointing Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of the Treasury.
Goal Washington, realizing how important everything he did was as the nation’s first President, wanted to make good decisions and put the young country on a path for success. To ensure he made good decisions, he sought advice.
Historical Circumstances Washington created a whole panel of advisors called the Presidential Cabinet.Washington created a whole panel of advisors called the Presidential Cabinet. Hamilton, as the Secretary of the Treasury sought to put the country on a firm financial footing with his economic plan.Hamilton, as the Secretary of the Treasury sought to put the country on a firm financial footing with his economic plan. One way he did this was by creating a national bankOne way he did this was by creating a national bank But the main part of his plan was Federal assumption of state debtsBut the main part of his plan was Federal assumption of state debts
Evaluate: success or failure? Washington followed Hamilton’s plan and it was successful. It stabilized the American economy, building credit for the nation and instilling confidence in foreign and domestic investment in American businesses.
SPECIFIC effect Hamilton’s plan caused the Whiskey Rebellion.Hamilton’s plan caused the Whiskey Rebellion. Farmers in Western Pennsylvania were upset with a federal excise tax on whiskey. They attempted to revolt.Farmers in Western Pennsylvania were upset with a federal excise tax on whiskey. They attempted to revolt. Washington led troops to put down the rebellion, without firing a shot.Washington led troops to put down the rebellion, without firing a shot. Washington showed the strength of the federal government.Washington showed the strength of the federal government.
Presidential Decisions—George Washington Presidential Decision Goal Historical Circumstances Success or Failure? SPECIFIC effect Appointing Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of the Treasury Washington created a whole panel of advisors called the Presidential Cabinet. National bankNational bank Federal assumption of state debtFederal assumption of state debt Hamilton’s plan caused the Whiskey Rebellion. Farmers in Western Pennsylvania were upset with a federal excise tax on whiskey. They attempted to revolt. Hamilton, as the Secretary of the Treasury sought to put the country on a firm financial footing with his economic plan. Washington followed Hamilton’s plan and it was successful. Washington led troops to put down the rebellion, without firing a shot. Washington showed the strength of the federal government. Washington, realizing how important everything he did was as the nation’s first President, wanted to make good decisions and put the young country on a path for future success. It stabilized the American economy, building credit for the nation and instilling confidence in foreign and domestic investment in American businesses. To ensure he made good decisions, he sought advice.
Step 5: Complete the Evidence and Analysis boxes on your Spartan Writing Template (SWT)
Step 6: Write your claim.
United States Presidents have made important decisions in an effort to solve crucial problems. George Washington made an important decision to solve a crucial problem when he…
Step 7: Determine the relevancy of your evidence in supporting your claim.
Step 8: Complete a concluding sentence box on your Spartan Writing Template (SWT). Washington set many precedents as President, with his strengthening of the federal government being perhaps the most important of all.
Step 9: Write your response (using the Spartan Writing Template [SWT])
Step 10: Self-Assess your paragraph using the Spartan Writing Rubric