Revision -1. Filling (5m) Complete this conversation with words from the box. A: Are there any good______in today’s paper? B: Yes, there’s an article.


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Presentation transcript:

Revision -1. Filling (5m) Complete this conversation with words from the box. A: Are there any good______in today’s paper? B: Yes, there’s an article on the __________. A: Are there any good_____? B: No, it says that the oil price will go up continually. A: What else? Who’s ________ interview with? B: It’s Xia Anling, the _________ designer. A: Sorry, I’m not interested in clothes. What’s the ________ page story? B: Here’s the _________:New UN Secretary – General. A: That’s important. B: Yes, that’s a big_____ for women. I’m very please to hear that! article celebrity fashion front economy step headline news article economy news celebrity fashion front headline step

Reading & Vocabulary -1.Brainstorm (6m) Look at the pictures, then underline the words that can help you describe them. waste orbit useful dangerous enjoyable exciting astronaut expensive Now add more three words that suit the pictures. __________ _________ __________

Reading & Vocabulary -2.Speaking (6m) Do you still remember the news about Yang Liwei in October, 2003? Sample: We’re very proud of being a Chinese,and the flight is a great moment in the history of China. It is a complete success.

What were your feelings when you heard the news?

Guess words: astronaut An astronaut is a person who travels to outer space. For example: This last year, China sent its first astronaut to outer space. A Soviet astronaut. cosmonaut taikonaut A Chinese astronaut 驾驶员;领航员 navigator Our world is but a small part of the universe. universe “ 宇 ” 指无限空间, “ 宙 ” 指无限时间。 宇宙

杨利伟,男,汉族,辽宁绥中县人,中 共党员,大学文化。 1965 年 6 月出生, 1983 年 6 月入伍, 1988 年 9 月入党,现为中国人民 解放军航天员大队三级航天员,正团职,中 校军衔, 1992 年、 1994 年两次荣立三等功。

杨利伟 1987 年毕业于空军第八飞行学院, 历任空军航空兵某师飞行员、中队长,曾飞 过歼击机、强击机等机型,安全飞行 1350 小 时,被评为一级飞行员, 1996 年起参加航天 员选拔, 1998 年 1 月正式成为我国首批航天 员。 经过 5 年多的训练,他完成了基础理论、航 天环境适应性、专业技术等 8 大类几十个科 目的训练任务,以优异的成绩通过航天员 专业技术综合考核,光荣地被选拔为我国 首次载人航天飞行首飞梯队成员。 (来源:新华网)

Lieutenant (陆军)中尉(海军)上尉 Lieutenant Colonel 中校 陆军上校, 团长 Colonel NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration ( 美国 ) 国家航空和宇宙航行局 secretary-general 秘书长, 总书记

Discuss these questions: Do you remember the news about Yang Liwei in October, 2003? How did you find out about it? (a) From TV/radio (b) From a newspaper/ magazine (c) From a person (friend, family, teacher). (d) From the Internet.

Complete the passage with these words ! astronaut cosmonaut navigator taikonaut universe A (n) (1)________is a person who travels into place. The word comes from the Greek Words astron (which means “star”) and nautes (which means “sailor”). A Russian astronaut is a (n) (2)________. The Russian word kosmonavt comes from the Greek Words kosmos, meaning (3)________ and nautes. A Chinese astronaut is sometimes called (4)_______, from the Chinese word taikong, which means “space”. Chinese newspapers use the expression yuhangyuan, which means “space (5)_________”. astronaut cosmonaut universe taikonaut navigator

Reading & Vocabulary -4.Prediction(6m) Read the subheadings. Predict what the article is about. A.Conversation in Space B.October 16 th, 2003 C.Congratulation from Around the World

Reading & Vocabulary -5.Fast-reading(4m) Read the article and match the subheadings with the paragraph. subheadings Conversation in Space October 16 th, 2003 Congratulation from Around the World Para.2 Para.1 Para.3

Reading & Vocabulary -6.Careful-reading (5m) read first part of the passage, and make questions to match the following answers. 1. Shenzhou V 2. Jiuquan ,000 A. How many people had traveled in space before young? B. What was the name of the capsule? C. Where did Young take off from? D. How many days have astronauts spent in space in total?

Read the article and decide if sentences are true (T) or false (F) 1.The taikonaut was in space for twenty-one hours. 2.The Beijing Space Control Centre said: “ It is a great moment in the history of china.” 3.When Yang landed, Premier Wen Jiaobao telephoned the Control Centre to offer his congratulations. (F) (F) (T)

Reading & Vocabulary -7.True or False (4m) 1.The taikonaut was in space for twenty-one hours. 2.One of the astronauts aboard the International Space Station was born in China. 3.The other man aboard the Space Station is a Russian cosmonaut. 4.China received messages of congratulations from all over the world. 5.Sean O’Keefe works for the United Nations. 6.Kofi Annan thought that the flight was very good news just for China.

Reading & Vocabulary -8.Summary (4m) China’s first __________Yang Liwei landed safely back on ______ on 16 th,October He was in ________ for 21.5hours and made 14_______ of the earth. While he was flying in the small space________, he took _____________ of the earth with his camera. The ________ was a big success. While he was traveling. Yang spoke to American __________ Edward Lu and Russian___________Yuri Malenchenko, who were aboard the international_____________. Now that Yang has been so successful,there are plans to continue the Chinese space ____________, so as to travel further into the __________. taikonaut earthspace orbits capsule photographs flight astronaut cosmonaut Space Station programme universe

Read the first part of the article and make questions to match the following answers. Example: Inner Mongolia _______________________ Where did Yang Liwei land? 1.Shenzhou V ______________________________ 2.Jiuquan ______________________________ ______________________________ 4.26,000 ______________________________ What was the name of capsule? Where did Yang take off from? How many people had traveled before Yang? How many days have astronauts spent in space in total?

Read the article and decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F) One of the astronauts aboard the International Space Station was born in China. The other man aboard the Space Station is a Russian cosmonaut. (F) (T)

Multiple choice: The congratulation from United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan was that_____ A.the flight was a complete success B.The flight was a step forward for the whole world C.It’s great work by thousands and thousands of people from China D.The flight was an important historical achievement B

After Yang landed, all the following people offered congratulations EXCEPT____. A.Premier Wen Jiabao B.Edward Lu and Yuri Malenchenko C.Sean O’Kee D. Kofi Annan B

Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks. At 9 am yesterday Yang 1. Travelling in space Yang 2. Orbiting in the capsule Yang 3. This morning Yang 4. When landed Yang 5. Yang 6. 1.Took off from Jiuquan in northwest China 2.Spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station 3.Took photographs of planet earth 4.Landed safely in the shenzhouV Capsule in Inner Mongolia 5.Telephoned the control Center to offer his congrations 6.Sent messages of congratulations

Language Points: take photographs send a man into space in total take off in space thousands and thousands historical achievement