Bullshit and the Art of Crap-Detecting Neil Postman Bullshit and the Art of Crap-Detecting
The theory of “Crap Detecting” originated from American writer Ernest Hemmingway. Is there on thing needed to be a good writer? “Yes, a built in, shock proof, CRAP DETECTOR.”
Pomposity Fanaticism Inanity Superstition Neil Postman separates Crap Detection in four parts: Pomposity Fanaticism Inanity Superstition
POMPOSITY 1. Pomposity is a fancy word for using big complicated words to confuse the audience into believing their words are actually legit. 2. Pomposity is very common among politicians; politics is all about talking the talk.
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN BULLSHIT & LYING When one person bullshits another, they are unaware of the lies they may be making since they believe in what they are saying. When lying, the liar knows exactly what their saying and that it is false.
FANATICISM 1. Fanaticism is pretty much when you do not know the answer, or might have a wrong answer, but refuse to switch the topic or alter their opinion. 2. Religion follow fanaticism, a belief is put into someone’s mind even though they have absolutely no factual evidence it is correct. Same applies for cults, they believe so strongly in something they are oblivious to its proof. "[Religious] fanatics are persons who attach to some object an ultimate valuation and then attend to that overvalued object with what is recognizable as a kind of religious” -Lloyd Steffen
INANITY Inanity = bullshit talk. It’s all about talking a lot of nonsense that makes it seem like you actually know what you’re talking about. Definition: The total lack of meaning or ideas.
SUPERSTITION Superstitions are beliefs that have absolutely no factual evidence backing it. For example: Americans have a superstition that their country is the greatest in the world, even though there is no proof of it. “The amazing thing is there are people who've never left this country who talk about the fact that we're the greatest country on Earth. How fucking dumb is that?! Cuz you don't know, if you haven't left here you don't know. There are countries that may be giving shit away every day! Canada's one of those countries. You know what they give away? HEALTH INSURANCE!” –Lewis Black
NEIL POSTMAN’S BELIEFS Neil says that people who believe strongly in fascism, communism, capitalism, even patriosm have serious issues with their CRAP DETECTORS. They are so obsessed with their ideologies that they have no idea how stupid it actually is. Neil believes that answer to solving this problem is to teach the youth how to detect the difference between utter bullshit and the truth. The 3 things he believes is necessary to detect bullshit is: 1. You mustn’t be gullible 2. Be stupid to their pomposity 3. Assess the meaning of everything