Path Driver New Interface Training July 2015
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Agenda Objective Welcome Class Management Working with Data Instructional Groups Resources
Learning Objective Path Driver users will utilize the new interface effectively to manage student data.
Getting There The old interface will remain unchanged and you can use either side you wish. The new interface has additional functionality that is more user friendly.
Agenda Objective Welcome Class Management Working with Data Instructional Groups Resources
Agenda Objective Welcome Class Management Working with Data Instructional Groups Resources
Class Management Tab
Learn More = Help
Class Management Create a Class – Moves you to the student registry page that has a list of all students associated with the school you are logged into. Shows all classes you are associated with in a drop down menu and listed down the page. Provides class editing capability.
Student Registry # of Students Registered in school # of students based on applied filter Search for a specific student by name + symbol means more options are available here
Using Filters to Work Faster Search for Students Basic Filters – Classes that already exist – Instructional groups – Alphabetically or by grade Grades – select a grade level to display Programs- Program students are enrolled
Create /Add Students to Classes From Student Registry, Select students (may use filters to speed up selection process) Select Add Students to Class from Bulk Actions
Create a new class, or edit an existing class Add teachers to class from here Scroll to bottom of page when complete and click Add Students to Class button
Agenda Objective Welcome Class Management Working with Data Instructional Groups Resources
Export Student Data Go to student registry Select the students you want to include in the data export Go to Bulk Action menu and select export student data Select the appropriate choices and enter file name then click ok Click Export Student Data at bottom of window. (may need to scroll down to see it)
Working with Class Management Each dot is interactive. Click on a dot to learn about student performance in that area of the program.
Click on a Student Name
Changes to Mastery Criteria should only be made with the approval of the data team.
More Options from Class Management Click this icon to see other actions
Scheduling Screening and Monitoring
Agenda Objective Welcome Class Management Working with Data Instructional Groups Resources
Instructional Groups Click to create a group Goes to Class Management Tab Select the program Copy or view a group
Create an Instructional Group Check the box next to the program the group will use, then click next
Select students Click next when student selection is complete
Name the Group Name group, add teachers, select grade, click Next
Finish or Go Back
Agenda Objective Welcome Class Management Working with Data Instructional Groups Resources
Absolutely NO copying any progress monitoring or universal screening probes. These are not study guides or home intervention/extension. They are copyrighted and it is illegal and unethical to print and reuse these resources for purposes other than intended.
Resources-Academy of Math
Resources-Academy of Reading