AND “Learning to live in a technical world.”
What is a CTSO and how can they help me? CTSO is short for: Career Technical Student Organization They provide: A platform for students to learn effective leadership techniques Parliamentary procedure Reaffirm lessons learned in the classroom (Co-curricular) Opportunities for public speaking
What is TSA TSA is one of only 9 DESE recognized CTSO’s (Career and Technical Student Organizations) TSA is official CTSO for PLTW in Missouri
What is TSA 1978—Originally formed in 1978 (AIASA) 1988—AIASA changed its name to Technology Student Association (TSA) 2009—Developed a partnership with PLTW TSA classroom level competitions and leadership development for Project Lead The Way (PLTW) middle and high school engineering instructional programs. 2010—VEX Robotics partners with PLTW and TSA
What TSA Offers National or local service project Career Exploration Integrated Leadership Lessons 69 competitions (Middle School and High School) CompetitionsLeadership Community Service Career Awareness
TSA and STEM TSA competitions provide hands-on venues for demonstrating Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) knowledge & skills. TSA competitions align with national criteria for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). (Students have opportunities to earn scholarships)
TSA’s Primary Benefit – OPPORTUNITY TSA students have the opportunity to develop soft skills through in-class activities and competitions such as: Problem solving Leadership Career Exploration Business Etiquette Critical Thinking Team Participation
TSA Leadership Skills TSA conferences and competitions help students develop vital leadership skills including: Teamwork Organization Communication Goal Setting Problem Solving Critical Thinking
Leadership and Competitive Conference (MO) Held in October at Missouri S&T (Rolla, Mo) Local Chapter & State Level Leadership Training Opportunities for faculty advisors Student chapter competitions in several simulated leadership events
Missouri TSA State Championship and Business Meeting Held in April at Missouri S&T (Rolla, Mo) TSA Competitive Events VEX Robotics, Junior Solar Sprint, and Verizon Innovative App Challenge competitions State Office Elections Conduct TSA Business meeting
TSA Competition Samples Engineering Design Transportation Challenge Structural Engineering VEX Robotics
Factors For Success Organizing a local TSA chapter in a PLTW program at your school involves many factors. Interested instructor (s) Interested and motivated students Good working team of chapter officers Cooperation & support of building/district administration
Factors For Success Missouri TSA has a strong support system through an active and viable Board of Directors with support from the DESE and the national TSA organization Veteran TSA advisors and the Board of Directors stand ready to give assistance to new and existing chapters!
Examples Most competitive events in TSA are co curricular with PLTW classes. A few examples: PLTW ClassPLTW UnitTSA Event IEDUnit’s 2,3,7,&8Technical Sketching IED, POE, EDDIED Unit 4, POE Units 2&3 EDD Unit 1 Technology Problem Solving POE, DEPOE Unit 3 (VEX) DE Unit 2&3 Animatronics IED, POE, CEA, DE, EDD Various UnitsPrepared Presentation