Chapter 8 Rudimentary Movement Abilities ©Gallahue, D.L., & Ozmun, J.C.. Understanding Motor Development. McGraw-Hill.
Key Concept Mastery of the Rudimentary Movement Abilities of Infancy Is a Reflection of Increased Motor Control and Movement Competence, Brought About Factors Operating Within the Task and the Environment, As Well As Within the Individual
Rudimentary Movement Phase Reflex inhibition stage (birth –12 months) Precontrol stage (12 – 24 months) Study of infant motor development - Neuromaturation theory (phylogenetic perspective) - Dynamic systems theory (self- organizing perspective)
Stability (Table 8.1) Control of head & neck (turns head, lifts chin, good prone control, good supine control) Control of trunk (prone head & chest lift, attempts supine to prone roll, does prone to supine roll) Sitting (figure 8.1: sits with support, self-support, alone) Standing (figure 8.2: stands with support, cruises, alone)
Locomotion (Table 8.2) Horizontal (scoots, figure 8.3:crawls, figure 8.4: creeps, bear walks) Upright (walks - with support, with handholds, with lead, alone)
Manipulation (Table 8.3) Reaching (globular, corralling, controlled) Grasping (reflexive, voluntary, two-hand palmer, one-hand palmer, pincer, controlled, feeds self) Releasing (basic, controlled)
Stimulation Programs For At-risk Infants The downside of neonatal intensive care (sensory overload coupled with deprivation) Making connections makes sense (parents vs. multiple caregivers) Developing the total child pays (physical, mental, emotional, social) Nurturing environments help kids Long term programs are beneficial
Infant Aquatic Programs A case for: -Bonding -Critical period -”Drown proofing” -Fun -The “thing to do” A case against: -Hyponatremia -Giardia -Sensitive period -Trust vs. Mistrust -American Academy of Pediatrics
Concluding Concept Although the Sequence for Acquiring the Rudimentary Movement Abilities of Infancy Is Predetermined by the Biology of the Individual, the Rate May Be Dramatically Influenced by Factors Both Within the Individual and the Environment