Translation of Business Cards 名片的翻译
Contents in Business Cards Company name/symbol Name/Position Title Address/Zip Code Telephone number/Fax number/ Address/Web site (Internet Address)
Stylistic Features A business card is a small card that can be used in a social and business situation introducing essential individual information in order to establish relations with others. It has social function. Features: formal (正式), accurate (准确), solemn( 庄重 ) large abbreviations, proper nouns
Translation Methods A combination of literal translation, free translation as well as transliteration is frequently applied in translating a business card. Translation of a Person’s Name: ( C-E) 1)transliteration, 2)according to English custom, 3)capitalize the family name
Translation of the Address 1 ) Pay attention to the address in common use and its abbreviation: Road 路 : Rd. Room 门: Rm. Street 街, Avenue 道 : St. /Av. Lane 里、弄、巷 : La. Alley 胡同 : Al. Village 新村, Residential Quarter/Area 小区
2 ) Pay attention to the traditional use: Macao 澳门、 Hongkong 香港、 Tibet 西藏 Huhehot 呼和浩特、 Harbin 哈尔滨、 Inner Mongolia 内蒙古、 Urumuchi 乌鲁木齐 Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 新疆维吾尔自治区 广西壮族自治区 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Translation of a Position/Job 董事长 Chairman of the Board ( the board of directors) 副董事长 Vice-chairman 总裁 ( 首席执行官) Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O. ) / President 总经理 General Manager (G.M.) Managing Director (M.D.)
省长 Provincial Governor/Governor 市长 Mayor 县长 Governor/ County Governor 与 Deputy (副)搭配的词: manager 经理, director 主任、处长, chairman 董事长, editor 编辑, minister( 国家部委的部长 ) , secretary general 秘书长, ambassador 大使, governor 省长,总督 attorney general 检察长
与 vice (副)搭配的词: president, chairman, chancellor 与 associate (副)搭配的词 : 技术职称相关的副职: Associate Professor 副教授 Associate Research Fellow 副研究员 honorary/ emeritus 名誉 名誉主席 Honorary Chairman acting 代 Acting Factory Director 代厂长 and/ and concurrently 兼 总工程师兼代厂长 General Engineer and Acting Factory Director