11:1-11 God’s Redeeming Love Hosea 11:1-11 God’s Redeeming Love
Review An outline of Hosea This final section is the climax 1-3 – Illustrating God’s relationship to Israel 4-7 – God is holy – Israel indicted for sins 8-10 – God is just – Israel’s punishment 11-14 – God is love – The restoration This final section is the climax “Hosea” means “salvation” and here is where God offers salvation Had been illustrated in chapter 3 with Hosea taking Gomer back Now we begin to hear about salvation
God’s Love Hos 11:1 At first glance Matt 2:14-15 A historical reference to Israel leaving Egypt But nation usually referred to as female Beginning in verse 2, Israel is referred to by plural pronouns (some exceptions later in the chapter) So is the “him” and “my son” referring only to Israel? Matt 2:14-15 Hosea 1:1 was a prophecy about Jesus Putting it together in Hosea 11:1 When Israel was just beginning God already loved Jesus and had a plan for Him
God’s Plan Eph 1:4-14 A plan from before the creation A plan to save through His Son and in Him A plan that required faith and obedience A plan that made it clear salvation was a gift from God A plan that had been kept a “mystery” until it was carried out 1 Cor 2:6-9 The plan was hidden before the cross After the cross it was revealed and the prophecies made clear as proof of God’s plan and wisdom
God’s Love Hos 11:2-4 From the beginning Israel followed other gods Yet God was always the one who helped Israel Let them walk Made them into a kingdom Healed their wounds Destroyed their enemies Guided them forward Enlarged their borders, made them powerful Took away their yoke and fed them Kept them from being conquered while they grew And they didn’t acknowledge God’s efforts
God’s gifts Do we do any better than Israel? James 1:17 All gifts have come from God How much in our lives do we take for granted? Food, health, family, houses, jobs, friends Often we get angry at God when these are taken away, but were we grateful for them when we had them? Or do we have an attitude like Job? Job 1:20-22 Thankful for what God provided Not angry when the gifts no longer provided
Israel’s stubbornness Hos 11:5-7 Despite God’s love seen in His plans and gifts They refused to repent (v5) They were bent on backsliding (v7) Nobody truly exalted God (v7) So God would punish them, but with Assyria rather than Egypt But they had brought the punishment on themselves
God’s redeeming love Hos 11:8-11 Despite their sins, God didn’t want to destroy them Here we have the crossroads where God’s holiness and justice meet God’s love and mercy A man might have to give up something But God is not a man to be thwarted, even by man’s own sinfulness and stubbornness The answer was God’s plan to call all men to Him through His Son (“He will roar like a lion”) “They will walk after the Lord”
A plan for all We can see the fulfillment of the plan Where holiness and justice meet love and mercy Rom 5:6-11 At the cross Rom 3:21-26 For all people Rom 6:1-7 By repentance, baptism, and obedience in a new life
Conclusion God has always had a plan to save man He demonstrated His love for Israel like a husband for a wife, or a father for a child Despite Israel’s rejection of Him, He still had a plan that would offer them salvation along with all other people It is that plan that is still offered today He has roared like a lion Won’t you walk after the Lord?