Adaptations = An inherited trait that increases an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce
Can be: Structural - Behavioral a physical trait that aids an organism in competing for resources (eg. stronger or faster) or evading predators Behavioral a behavior that increases an organisms ability to survive or find a mate
STRUCTURAL ADAPTATION EXAMPLES Plants that use pollinators often use the ‘bullseye’ pattern to attract bees, butterflies, etc. This pattern has evolved many times Example: black- eyed Susan
CACTUS PLANTS Cactus plants in the desert have leaves specially designed to: Store water Tolerate long periods of dehydration without harm to tissues
Desert Animals Structural Modifications to dissipate heat long appendages (legs, ears, etc.), or small "bodies" (e.g., whole body, leaves, etc.) that radiate heat.
California Kingsnake Adaptations to consume its favorite food – Rattlesnakes! Hinged jaw – consume food larger than its own head Tolerance to rattlesnake venom
Dendrobates – or poison dart frogs Some species have skin that is extremely poisonous – even to the touch Bright markings warn predators they are poisonous
Lady Slippers Orchids Petal has evolved into pouch Aroma of orchids makes flies act intoxicated Have so much fun – move to second pouch = pollination!
Blue-footed Boobies Blue feet used in their elaborate mating ritual Male struts around female, raising one foot at time, whistling, bringing sticks as ‘gifts’
Prairie Dogs Example of a social animal Build huge tunnel ‘town’ to evade heat & escape predators Adaptation to make a range of vocalizations Bark = warning Rasp = impending attack Scream = pain