CA. KEJAL PANDYA DISA, DIRM Partner CNK & Associates LLP Chartered Accountants All Saurashtra-Kutch Women Conference
CONTENT When Income Tax Return is Mandatory and Due Dates of ITR Filling. List of ITRs with applicability and non-applicability Comparison among ITRs ( Notified) E-filling and applicability Hardware requirement for E-filling Issues after Registration Extension of Time Limit for ITR-V submission EVC for electronically filed Income tax Return E-Verification Process Online and offline E-filling of TDS Statement Basic requisites while filling of TDS return Penalties on TDS/TCS Defaults Important Issues
When Income Tax Return Is Mandatory? Only When: Total income exceeds the basic threshold limit Carry forward of business/capital loss to the next year Or When a Person Has: Any asset located outside India Signing authority in any account located outside India
Which is ITR filing Due Date? Sr No. Different SituationsDue Date of submission of return 1Where Individual subject to transfer pricing regulations [Where assessee is required to furnish a report in Form No.3CEB under Section 92E pertaining to International transaction(s) 30 th November 2Where account of individual are required to be audited under any law 30 th September 3All other cases31 st July
Who can use ITR 1 (Sahaj) Income from Salary/Pension; or Income from One House Property (excluding cases where loss is brought forward from previous years); or Income from Other Sources (excluding winning from Lottery and Income from Race Horses) Note: Further, in a case where the income from another person like spouse, minor child, etc. is to be clubbed with the income of the assessee, these Return Form can be used only if the Income being clubbed falls under the above categories
Who cannot use ITR 1 (Sahaj) Income from more than one House Property; or Income from winning from Lottery or income from winning from Race Horses; or Income under the head "Capital Gains",e.g., short term capital gains or long term capital gains from the sale of house, plot, shares etc.; or Income from agriculture/exempt income in excess of ` 5,000; or Income from Business or Profession ;or Loss under the head 'Income from other sources'; or Person claiming relief of foreign tax paid under section 90 and/or 91;or Any resident having an asset (including financial interest in any entity) located outside India or signing authority in any account located outside India
Who can use ITR 2 Income from Salary / Pension; or Income from House Property; or Income from Capital Gains; or Income from Other Sources (including Winning from Lottery and Income from Race Horses). Further, in a case where the income of another person like spouse, minor child, etc. is to be clubbed with the income of the assessee, this Return Form can be used where such income falls in any of the above categories.
Who cannot use ITR 2 This Return Form should not be used by an Individual or a Hindu Undivided Family whose Total Income for assessment year includes Income from Business or Profession
Who can use ITR 3 This Return Form is to be used by an individual or an Hindu Undivided Family for the assessment year who is a partner in a firm and where income chargeable to income tax under the head "Profits or gains of business or profession" does not include any income except the income by way of any interest, salary, bonus, commission or remuneration, by whatever name called, due to, or received by him from such firm. In case a partner in the firm does not have any income from the firm by way of interest, salary, etc. and has only exempt income by way of share in the profit of the firm, he shall use this form only and not Form ITR2.
Who cannot use ITR 3 This Return Form should not be used by an individual whose total income for the assessment year includes Income from Business or Profession under any proprietorship. Note: This form is not notified yet at Income Tax site.
Who can use ITR 4S (Sugam) Business income where such income is computed in accordance with special provisions referred to in section 44AD and 44AE of the Act for computation of business income; or Income from Salary/Pension; or Income from One House Property (excluding cases where loss is brought forward from previous years); or Income from Other Sources (Excluding winning from Lottery and Income from Race Horses)
Who cannot use ITR 4S (Sugam) Income from more than one House Property; or Income from winning from Lottery or income from Race Horses; or Income under the head "Capital Gains", e.g. Short term capital gains or long term capital gains from the sale of house, plot, shares etc.; or Income from agriculture/exempt income in excess of ` 5,000; or Income from Speculative Business and other special incomes; or Income from a profession as referred to in subsection (1) of section 44AA or income from agency business or income in nature of commission or brokerage; or
Conti… Person claiming relief of foreign tax paid under section 90, 90A or 91;or Any resident having an asset (including financial interest in any entity) located outside India or signing authority in any account located outside India.
Who can use ITR 4 This Return Form was to be used by an individual or a Hindu Undivided Family for the assessment year who is carrying out a proprietary business or profession. Note: This form is not notified yet at Income Tax site for A.Y
Who can use ITR 5 This Return can be used by a person being a Firm, LLPs, AOP, BOI, Artificial Juridical Person referred to in section 2(31) (vii), Cooperative Society and Local Authority. Who cannot use ITR 5 A person who is required to file the return of income under section 139(4A) or 139(4B) or 139(4C) or 139(4D) shall not use this form Note: This form is not notified yet at Income Tax site for A.Y
Who can use ITR 6 This return can be used by a Company Who cannot use ITR 6 Company claiming exemption under section 11 shall not use this form. Note: This form is not notified yet at Income Tax site for A.Y
Who can use ITR 7 This Form can be used by persons including Companies who are required to furnish return under section 139(4A) or 139(4B) or 139(4C) or 139(4D). It covers trusts, political parties, Scientific research centres, college/universities Note: This form is not notified yet at Income Tax site for A.Y
New Form ITR-2A Form is for Individuals and HUFs not having income from Business and Profession and capital Gains and who do not hold foreign assets. There is no schedule of foreign travel and expenses incurred during the year.
Forms Comparison between ITR of AY and ITR 1-Sahaj Point of ComparisonA.Y A.Y Aadhaar numberNoYes Schedule BANoDetails of bank Accounts held in India at any time during the P.Y.
Details for Bank Accounts Number of bank accounts held by assessee at any time (including opened/closed) during P.Y. IFSC Code Name of the Bank Name of the Joint holders, if any Account Number Accounts Balance as on 31 st March of the P.Y.
Other Points Generally, assessee has to mention bank account details in which he/she is a first account holder. If first account holder is minor then in that case guardian of minor has to mention this bank account detail in his/her Return of Income. “Operative Bank Account” not defined
ITR 2 Point of ComparisonA.Y A.Y Aadhaar numberNoYes Capital GainDirectIn details Short Term Capital Gain – now rate wise details needed Short Term Short Term Short term chargeable to applicable rate Long Term Capital Gain Long term Long term
Conti.. ITR 2 Point of ComparisonA.Y A.Y Foreign IncomeNoSchedule FA Foreign TravelNoSchedule FT CG A/c Details in both case STCG, LTCG NoYes Whether any amount of unutilized capital gain on asset transferred during the P.Y was deposited in the CG A/c scheme within due date of that year. If yes, New asset acquired/constructed—Mention year and amount utilized Amount not used for new asset or remained utilized in CG A/c.
Conti.. ITR 2 Point of ComparisonA.Y A.Y STCG/LTCG for Non resident Not in detailYes For Non-resident STCG/ LTCG included in A1-A6 but not chargeable to tax in India as per DTAA Country name, code Article of DTAA Whether Tax Residency Certificate obtained? Amount of STCG/LTCG
Conti.. ITR 2 Point of ComparisonA.Y A.Y IOS taxability under DTAA Not in detailYes For Non-resident –Income chargeable to be taxed under DTAA Name of Country, code Article of DTAA Rate of tax under DTAA Whether TRC obtained? Corresponding section of the Act which prescribes rate Amount of Income
Conti.. ITR 2 Point of ComparisonA.Y A.Y Schedule SINoOne more detail required to be mentioned regarding Income chargeable under DTAA rate
Conti.. ITR 2 Agriculture IncomeNet agriculture income Gross agriculture income Gross Agricultural Income Less: Expenditure incurred on agriculture Unabsorbed Agriculture loss of previous eight A.Y. Net Agricultural Income
Conti.. ITR 2 Schedule BANoDetails of bank Accounts held in India at any time during the P.Y. Schedule FADetails of Foreign Assets Details of Foreign Assets and Income from any source outside India
Details of Foreign Bank Accounts held (including any beneficiary interest) at any time during the P.Y. Additional details to be provided are as follows…. >> Status- Owner/ Beneficial Owner/ Beneficiary >> Account opening date >> Interest accrued in the account >> Interest taxable and offered in this return -- Amount -- Schedule where offered -- Item number of schedule Details of Financial Interest in any entity held (including any beneficiary interest) at any time during the P.Y. Additional details to be provided are as follows….. >> Nature of interest-direct/ Beneficial Owner/ beneficiary >> Date since held >> Income accrued from such interest >> Nature of Income >> Income taxable and offered in this return -- Amount -- Schedule where offered -- Item number of schedule
Details of immovable property or any other capital asset held (including any beneficiary interest) at any time during the P.Y. Additional details to be provided are as follows….. >> Ownership- Direct/ Beneficial Owner/ Beneficiary >> Date of Acquisition >> Income derived from the property >> Nature of Income >> Income taxable and offered in this return -- Amount -- Schedule where offered -- Item number of schedule Details of account(s) in which you have signing authority held (including any beneficial interest) at any time during the P.Y. and which has not been included in above. Additional details to be provided are as follows…. >> Whether income accrued in taxable in your hands? >> If yes,, income accrued in the account >> If yes, income offered in this return -- Amount -- Schedule where offered -- Item number of schedule
Details of trusts, created under the laws of country outside India, in which you re trustee, beneficiary or settler >> Date since position held >> Whether income derived is taxable in your hands? >> If yes, Income derived from the trust >> If yes, Income offered in this return -- Amount -- Schedule where offered -- Item number of Schedule Details of any other income derived from any source outside India which is not included in above and Income under the head Business and Profession >> Country name and code >> Name and address of the person from whom derived >> Income derived >> Nature of Income >> Whether taxable in your hands? >> If yes, Income offered in this return -- Amount -- Schedule where offered -- Item number of schedule
Conti.. ITR 4S Point of Comparison A.Y A.Y Aadhaar numberNoYes Schedule BANoDetails of bank Accounts held in India at any time during the P.Y. Schedule BPThere are two different parts regarding Presumptive Income from Heavy Vehicles and from Other Vehicles There is no such bifurcation. Specify only Total Presumptive Income from Goods Carriage.
E-Filing of Returns is mandatory for : Any assessee having total income of Rs. 5 Lakhs and above for from AY and subsequent Assessment Years. Individual/ HUF, being resident, having assets located outside India from AY and subsequent Assessment Years. An assessee required to furnish a report of audit specified under sections 10(23C)(iv), 10(23C)(v), 10(23C)(vi), 10(23C)(via), 10A, 12A(1)(b), 44AB, 80-IA, 80-IB, 80-IC, 80-ID, 80JJAA, 80LA, 92E or 115JB of the Act, shall furnish the said report of audit and the return of Income electronically from AY and subsequent Assessment Years. All companies.
Conti.. An assessee required to give a notice under Section 11(2)(a) to the Assessing Officer from AY and subsequent Assessment Years (trusts using less than 75% of their income). Firm (to whom provisions of section 44AB is not applicable), AOP, BOI, Artificial Juridical Person, Co-operative Society and Local Authority required to file ITR 5 from AY and subsequent Assessment Years. An assessee required to furnish return u/s 139 (4B) in ITR 7 – political parties. A resident who has signing authority in any account located outside India. A person who claims relief under sections 90 or 90A or deduction under section 91.
Hardware Requirement of E-filling Income Tax Department recommends Mozilla Firefox (version 22.0, 21.0, 20.0 and above) Google Chrome (version 26.0.x, 27.0.x, 28.0.x and above) Internet Explorer (version 8.0, 9.0, 10.0 and above) Safari (version 4.0, 5.0 and above) OPERATING SYSTEM – Windows XP with Service Pack 3/Windows 7/Windows 8 JRE 1.7 update 13 and above (32 bit) is required to run applets for Digital Signatures and offline forms to work. You may download this at
Digital Signature The Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) to be used in e-Filing the Income Tax Return/Forms should be registered on e-Filing application. Login to the URL of e-Filing application select Profile Settings Register Digital Signature. You get 2 choices either to Select Sign with.pfx file Sign with your USB token Click submit after selecting one of the above choices. Success message will be displayed on the screen.
Issues after Registration - Forgot Password In e-Filing application home page, click ‘Login Here’ button.
Conti.. Click Forgot Password Link. Enter User ID and captcha
Conti.. Select the option, Answer Secret Question.
Notes: Keep contact details like address, mobile no and id of the assessee updated If the Income Tax Return is uploaded with DSC (digitally signed), on generation of "Acknowledgement", the Return Filing process is complete. The return will be further processed and the Assessee will be notified accordingly. Please check your s on these notifications
Conti.. If the return is not uploaded with a DSC (digitally signed), on successful upload of e-Return, an ITR-V Form will be generated. This is an Acknowledgement cum Verification form. A duly verified ITR-V form should be signed and submitted to CPC, Post Bag No. 1, Electronic City Post Office, Bangalore by Ordinary Post or Speed Post (without Acknowledgment) ONLY, within 120 days from the date of e-Filing.
Conti.. On receipt of the ITR-V at CPC, the return will be further processed and the Assessee will be notified accordingly. Please check your s on these notifications. It is mandatory to file Income Tax Forms using Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) by a Chartered Accountant.
Extension of Time Limit for ITR-V submission Extension of time limit for submitting ITR-V for electronically (without digital signature certificate) filed returns for Notifications No: 1/2015 under the CPC Scheme Date 13/07/2015 A.Y (filed on or after 1 st April, 2014 till 31 st March, 2015) A.Y (filed on or after 1st April, 2014 till 30th June, 2015) These ITR-V forms can now be submitted up to 31 st October, 2015 or within the period of 120 days from the date of uploading of the electronic return data, whichever is later.
After e-Filling of Return Two Ways Regular Way Submission of Acknowledgement to CPC, Bangalore through speed post or Ordinary Post within 120 days EVC Way E-verify the return after e- filling and then no need to submit the Acknowledgement to CPC, Bangalore.
EVC for Electronically Filed IT Return The Electronic Verification Code (EVC) would verify the identity of the person furnishing the return of income and would be generated on the E -filing website https: // The EVC can be used by a Verifier being an Individual to verify his Income Tax Return or that of an HUF of which he is the Karta in Income Tax Return Form 1, 2, 2A, 3, 4 or 4S or the Income Tax Return Form filed in ITR 5 or 7 of any person in accordance with Section 140 of the Income Tax Act Notification No: 2/2015 – Electronic Verification Code for electronically filed Income Tax Return. Date: 13/07/2015. The notification will come into effect from the date of issue.
Conti.. The EVC would be unique for an Assessee PAN and will not valid for any other PAN at the time of filing of the Income Tax Return. One EVC can be used to validate one return of the Assessee irrespective of the Assessment Year or return filing type (original or revised). The EVC will be valid for 72 hours or as otherwise specified. The Verifier can use more than one mode to obtain EVC and can generate the EVC multiple times. The notification will come into effect from the date of issue. The EVC will be a 10 digit alpha -numeric number.
e-Verification Process Step: 1 Login to e-Filing Portal Step: 2 Click “e-File” Select “e-Verify Return” to view the Returns pending for e-Verification.
Conti.. Step: 3 Click on “e-Verify” link to e-Verify the return.
Conti.. The Taxpayers are provided with three options if the return is already filed.
Conti.. Option 1: “I already have an EVC to e-Verify my return” Taxpayer need to enter the pre generated EVC in the provided text box and Click “Submit “to e-Verify. No Further action required.
Conti.. Option 2: “I do not have an EVC and I would like to generate EVC to e-Verify my return”
Conti.. “If the Taxpayers Total Income is greater than Rs. 5 lakhs or if there is refund, Taxpayers are provided with only one option “EVC – Through Net Banking”
Conti.. EVC – Through Net Banking :
Conti.. Click on “Continue”, Taxpayer is logged out of e-Filing and will be redirected to the list of banks available for Net Banking Login.
Conti.. EVC – To Registered Id and Mobile Number Click “EVC – to Registered Id and Mobile Number” (This option would be available for taxpayer whose Total income is Less than 5 Lakhs and there is no Refund) Enter the EVC received in your Mobile Number and Id in the provided text box and Click “Submit”. No Further action required. Success message will be displayed. No further action is required.
Conti.. Option 3: “I would like to generate Aadhaar OTP to e-Verify my return. Pre-requisite: To generate Aadhaar OTP, Taxpayer’s PAN and Aadhaar must be linked. NSDL links PAN data with Aadhar data base available with UIDAI.. Correct and same data with both authorities is needed for linking
Conti.. If the Taxpayer’s PAN and Aadhaar are not linked, the below pop up is displayed.
Conti.. Click Link Aadhaar, taxpayer will be redirected to Link Aadhaar Page under Profile Settings Taxpayer to enter the Aadhaar Number to link his/her Aadhaar to PAN. If the Taxpayer’s PAN and Aadhaar are linked, the below pop up is displayed.
Conti.. OTP is generated and sent to the Mobile Number registered with Aadhaar. – sent by UIDAI Enter Aadhaar OTP in the text box provided and click on Submit. Success page is displayed. No further action is required.
OTP through ATM Request for EVC can be made by using ATM card of the bank registered with income tax department for this facility A new option in ATM machines will be made available by the bank for this purpose after PIN verification This request will be sent by bank to income tax department e filing website, which will generate EVC and send it on the mobile number registered with e- filing website
Issues in EVC For small refund cases, obtaining net banking will be mandatory.. Whether the client knows to use internet/net banking facility or not Are the bank details provided in ITR and bank account used for EVC connected? Any cross verification done for such bank accounts? EVC will have to be generated by client and then to be given to their consultants as it is to be generated through their net banking facility… additional task for us to educate the client to generate the same
Conti.. Cases where EVC through Net banking is mandatory, the facility of EVC through other modes like through Aadhar / & mobile no. is available… this contradicts with the circular for EVC PAN and Aadhar linking mismatch appears and following error message appears… reason for mismatch is not given..
Issues in Aadhar Card Link
Other online activities Response to the transaction based enquiry by Income Tax Department (TDS deducted but not claimed in return, share trading transactions, etc) Rectification u/s. 154 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 Defective returns Change in contact details Change in bank details View of return status – demand or refund – for all AY after online e-filing facility
Online Upload Procedure Electronic statements (e-TDS/TCS/AIR) can be uploaded online to the TIN central system only for those TANs which have been associated with the organisation and duly authorized by NSDL e-Gov. A user can upload electronic statements online only for TANs associated with it. Digital Signature is mandatory for online TDS return filing. Electronic statements should be prepared as per the data structure prescribed by the Income Tax Department (ITD). The data structure is the same as prescribed by ITD for furnishing of electronic statements through TIN-FCs.
Conti.. After preparation of the electronic statement, entities have to verify the electronic statement through the latest version of File Validation Utility (FVU) provided by NSDL e-Gov which can be freely downloaded from the TIN web-site. The upload file generated by the FVU is to be uploaded online. The length of the filename should not be more than eight characters. The filename can be alphanumeric. No special characters are allowed in the filename. The user will login to the TIN central system by signing with the DSC mapped with it. On authentication of the DSC, the user will get access to the online upload system.
Conti.. After successful login, the user will select 'Upload' option from the main menu and select sub option "TDS/TCS" and upload the electronic statement online to the TIN central system by digitally signing the upload. The DSC will be authenticated by NSDL e-Gov. On successful authentication the electronic statement will be uploaded and a file reference number will be generated. If DSC authentication fails the electronic statement will not be uploaded.
Conti.. The status of the electronic statement uploaded can be viewed by selecting 'File Status' from the main menu. In case of an accepted electronic statement, a Provisional Receipt will be generated. Entities using the online upload of electronic statements facility will not submit Form 27A, CD / Pen drive for accepted electronic statements to TIN-FC or NSDL e-Gov.
Preparation of E-TDS Return e-TDS/TCS return has to be prepared in the data format issued by e-Filing Administrator. This is available on the Income Tax Department website ( and NSDL-TIN website ( Validation software (File Validation Utility) is available along with the data structure which should be used to validate the data structure of the e-TDS/TCS return prepared. Offline E-TDS Return
Options for Software for e- TDS Return Utility on website Develop own software Purchase ready made software
Precautions while submitting Form: 27A There is no overwriting/striking on Form No. 27A. If there is any, the same should be ratified and signed by the authorised signatory. Name and TAN of deductor and control totals of 'amount paid' and 'income tax deducted at source' mentioned on Form No. 27A should match with the respective totals in the e-TDS/TCS return. All the fields of Form No. 27A are duly filled.
FVU- File Validation Utility After preparing e-TDS/TCS return check/verify the same by using the File Validation Utility (FVU). FVU is a program developed by NSDL, which is used to ascertain whether the e-TDS/TCS return file contains any format level error(s). When e-TDS/TCS return passes through FVU, it generates an 'error/response file'.
If there are no errors in the e-TDS/TCS return file, error/response file will display the control totals. If there are errors, the error/response file will display the error location and error code along with the error code description. NO ERRORERROR
What is Control Total ? The Control Totals in Error/Response File are generated only when a valid file is generated. Otherwise, the Error/Response File shows the nature of error. The control totals are as under: Number of deductee/party records: In case of Form 24Q, it is equal to the number of employees for which TDS return is being prepared. 10 payments to 1 employee would mean 1 deductee record. In case of Form 26Q/27Q, it is equal to the total number of records of tax deduction. 10 payments to 1 party would mean 10 deductee records.
Conti.. Amount Paid: This is the Total Amount of all payments made on which tax was deducted. In case of Form 24Q, it is equal to the Total Taxable Income of all the employees. In case of Form 26Q/27Q, this is equal to the total of all the amounts on which tax has been deducted at source. Tax Deducted: This is the Total Amount of tax actually deducted at source for all payments. Tax Deposited: This is the total of all the deposit challans. This is normally the same as Tax Deducted but at times may be different due to interest or other amount. The notice will come afterwards if in return, there is difference in tax deducted and tax deposited
Penalties on TDS/TCS Defaults SectionNature of DefaultsPenalty 271CFailure to deduct/collect whole/part of TDS/TCS Amount equal to Tax 272AFailure to issue TDS CertificateRs. 100/- per day of delay BUT less than Tax Liability 276BIf a person fails to pay to the credit of the Central Government within the prescribed time, as above, the tax deducted at source by him, he shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment for a term which shall be between 3 months and 7 years, along with fine. 234EFee for default in furnishing quarterly returns of TDS/TCS Rs. 200/- per day of delay BUT not greater than Tax liability (TDS Deposited in particular Quarter) 271HPenalty for incorrect information OR Failure to furnish statements Minimum Penalty of Rs. 10,000/- and it can extend upto Rs. 1,00,000/-
Interest on TDS/TCS Defaults DescriptionRatePeriod fromPeriod to Failure to deduct tax at source 1% p.m. *Due date of deduction *Due Date- Date of payment or Date of Booking/Credited Whichever is earlier Actual Date of deduction Failure to deposit tax in time 1.5 % p.m. Month of Deduction Month of Deposit Delay is calculated on the basis of number of Months & not as per Number of days. Therefore payment of TDS before due date is advised to avoid Interest on per month
Issues of PAN In case PANs of some of the deductees are not available for quoting in the TDS statement, tax needs to be deducted at a higher rate as prescribed by ITD and flag such deductee records as ‘C’ in the statement. In case of TCS statement, PAN quoting compliance of 85 % is mandatorily required for validation. In view of this, it is recommended that the original TDS return should be filed only with records with valid PAN comprising 85% of valid PAN and the records for the remaining deductees may be reported through correction statement as and when PAN details are received.
Conti.. Deductor would be liable for short deduction in case of invalid PAN. Rectification of more than 4 characters in the PAN not permissible. ( 2 digits and 2 letters )
Conti.. In case rectification of more than 4 characters in the PAN is needed i.e 2 digits and 2 letters then, in correction statement. Remove the original entry first Add the new entry in correction file instead of editing the entry
TDS Certificates Generation of Form 16 and 16A is to be done within 15 days from the due date of filling of return. The online generation of TDS Certificate through TRACES requires the TDS statement filed to be duly processed. In case of revision, the revised return needs to be processed for issue of fresh certificate to the relevant vendors.
Payment of TDS / TCS ITNS 281 has to be used to deposit TDS Tax is to be deposited by 7th of the next month and in case of tax for March, by 30th April. If the due date is public holiday, tax can be paid on the next day following such a date. However, the system does not recognize such a clause and notices for interest on delay in payment may be received.
Conti.. Mistakes in challan In case of online payment of challan, request for rectification can be made with the jurisdictional TDS A.O. In case of physical challan, request for rectification can be made to the bank within the specified time frame. After specified no of days, rectification application can be filed with the jurisdictional A.O. Correction required in field name Period of Correction Request (from Challan Deposit Date) TAN7 Days Assessment Year7 Days Amount7 Days Other fields ( Major Head, Minor Head, Nature of Payment) Within 3 months
Conti.. The changes can be made by banks, subject to following conditions: Correction in Name is not permitted. Combination of correction of Minor Head and Assessment Year together is not allowed. TAN correction will be allowed only when the name in the Challan matches with the name as per the new TAN. The changes of amount will be permitted only on the condition that the amount so corrected is not different from the amount actually received by the bank and credited to Government account.
Conti.. For a single challan, correction is allowed only once. However, where first correction request is made only for amount, a second correction request will be allowed for correction in other fields. There will be no partial acceptance of change correction request, i.e. either all the requested changes will be allowed, if they pass the validation, or no change will be allowed, if any one of the requested changes fails the validation test.
Issues while processing and filing If challan is pertaining to the past quarter adjusted against an entry in the current quarter – such an adjustment is allowed If challan is pertaining to last financial year Adjusted against An entry in current quarter - Such adjustment is allowed
Demand the “Justification Report” from TRACES Analyze the default Revise the TDS statement if the error intimated in the notice are valid File the application for rectification if errors shown are invalid Steps to follow
Conflicts There are 3 authorities currently in picture handling TDS related matters for the department. Some common problems faced by deductors are: Jurisdictional officers refuse rectification applications on the ground that it should be filed with CPC. CPC blames delay in processing return on NSDL. NSDL blames the delay on CPC. Rectification accepted by A.O is not communicated to CPC and reminder of the demand is received after some time- often with interest u/s 220(2).
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